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Carlee Russell pleads guilty and sentenced to 12 months of probation in kidnapping HOAX

Word On The Curb…Carlee Russell managed to dodge jail time after spinning a wild tale about spotting a baby on the roadside and being kidnapped. Turns out, she didn’t see a thing! What a scandal!

Carlee Russell appears in Hoover, Alabama court to plead guilty to kidnapping hoax.
Carlee Russell appears in Hoover, Alabama court to plead guilty to kidnapping hoax.

This 26-year-old will now be serving her sentence in the free world, as Jefferson County Circuit Judge David Carpenter handed her 12 months of supervised probation, 100 hours of community service, and a hefty restitution bill of $17,974.88 to the City of Hoover.

To top it off, Russell is also required to keep up with her mental health counseling sessions.

In a no-nonsense tone, the judge scolded the fibbing culprit for causing an uproar in the community with her fake kidnapping story. He emphasized that it was a waste of resources to lock her up, as those efforts could have been better spent on genuine cases of abduction.

“It is a waste of resources to put you in jail. It is a waste of resources to have a trial. Although we are upset about what you’ve done, we’re not going to treat you differently than we would any other person charged with misdemeanors,” said the judge.

Police said Carlee Russell searched for movie ‘Taken’, amber alert costs, and bus tickets to Nashville before her disappearance

Carlee Russell apologize for staging her own kidnapping in July 2023

Carpenter gave Russell an opportunity to make a statement.

“I want to genuinely apologize for my actions. I made a grave mistake while trying to fight through various emotional issues and stress. I’m extremely remorseful for the panic, fear and various range of negative emotions that were experienced across the nation. I want to specifically acknowledge and take accountability for the pain and embarrassment that I inflicted upon my family, my church family, friends, neighbors, community, and all those who were directly involved in the search efforts for me. I also extend my sincerest apologies to the Hoover Police Department, and every other law enforcement agency and personnel for the position that I put them in and for the resources used. I absolutely regret my decision. And in hindsight, I wish that I had cried for help in a totally different manner. My prayer is I that will be extended grace and given the opportunity to redeem who I truly am, and restore the positively esteemed character that I have worked so hard to attain for the 25 years of my life prior to this incident. I wholeheartedly can say that I never had any malicious intent to hurt anyone. And I pray that you will feel my sincerity in that as I prepare to pick up the pieces and go on to restore my life, that you will witness the fruition of grace,” Russell said through tears to the court.

Russell didn’t face the court alone; her mom, who had previously shared her fabrications on national television, and her dad were in the audience. Standing by her side were her attorneys as the judge began to address her. Clearly distressed, Russell listened as the Alabama Attorney General’s Office argued for her imprisonment, citing the intense efforts made to locate her after her sudden disappearance.

Carlee Russell appears in Hoover, Alabama court to plead guilty to kidnapping hoax.
Carlee Russell appears in Hoover, Alabama court to plead guilty to kidnapping hoax.

What did Carlee Russell do?

The events unfolded on July 13, 2023, when Russell made a frantic 911 call reporting a toddler wandering near I-459. Responding officers discovered her abandoned car with the engine still running and her phone left behind, sparking a nationwide search and concern for her well-being.

25-year-old Carlee Russell

It wasn’t until July 15, at 10:44 p.m., that Russell reappeared on foot at her residence.

Authorities remain puzzled about Russell’s whereabouts during the 49 hours she was missing. According to her account, a man with orange hair emerged from the woods, abducted her, and forced her into an 18-wheeler. She claimed to have escaped, only to be captured again before finally breaking free in West Hoover and returning home.

Expressing his exasperation, Hoover Police Chief Nick Derzis lamented the limited legal options available for cases like Russell’s, which cause widespread panic, fear, and drain law enforcement resources.

“It’s the same as someone who goes out and maybe shoplifts less than $500 worth of merchandise. It’s the same penalty, and I just think there needs to be some sort of enhancement when you’re talking about being kidnapped and you’ve been a victim of a serious crime,” said Derzis.

Hoover’s inquiry revealed that Russell had been browsing on her phone for information on whether payment was required for an Amber Alert, the movie “Taken” – a thriller centered around a kidnapping, and the cost of bus tickets from Birmingham.

In the end, Russell confessed to fabricating the incident, as confirmed by a statement from her lawyer, Emory Anthony.

“My client did not see a baby on the side of the road. My client did not leave the Hoover area when she was identified as a missing person. My client did not have any help in this incident, but this was a single act done by herself. My client was not with anyone or in a hotel with anyone during the time she was missing. My client apologizes for her actions to this community, the volunteers who were searching for her, to the Hoover Police Department, and other agencies as well, as to her friends and family,” the statement said, in part.

Russell decided to face the music and surrendered to the Hoover Police on July 28, putting up a $2,000 bond in the process.

Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jacksonhttps://www.instagram.com/iiamgj/
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson and I am 28-years-old. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!


  1. Nope they should have at least put her on house arrest and made her get a work from home job so she could start paying restitution that is to be garnished from HER work checks accepting no payments or help from her parents. It is clear they are the reason that she is the way she is today she is spoiled has never been told no and has never been held accountable for her behavior which is why she behaved the way she did when she flunked her class now yet again she has managed to skate by accountability


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