Monday, February 17, 2025



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North Carolina woman takes her own life after disclosing details of alleged sexual abuse by a Raleigh pastor in a video series on Facebook

A woman from North Carolina sadly ended her life over the weekend after posting videos on her Facebook account, where she spoke about the sexual abuse she experienced starting at the age of 18, which she had kept hidden for 22 years. The abuse was reportedly at the hands of a pastor from Raleigh, North Carolina, named Sonya Spence Walker, who leads Word Center Church.

In November 2023, Toreka James, using the name ‘Eternity Philops’ on Facebook, published an extensive post titled “MY TESTIMONY.” Earlier this year, she had initiated a series of videos entitled The True Confessions of A Teenage Mistress, in which she detailed her experiences of alleged sexual childhood abuse.

Toreka James took her own life after detailing the sexual abuse she claims occurred starting at the age of 18.
Toreka James took her own life after detailing the sexual abuse she claims occurred starting at the age of 18.

In her post, Toreka revealed that on October 22, 2023, she confided in her mother about a secret she had shared with only a few individuals over the past 22 years. Accompanied by her younger sisters for support, she disclosed that when she was 18 years old, the First Lady of their church allegedly engaged in a long-term sexual relationship with her, which continued throughout her college years and beyond.

“For a moment, my mother sat in silence and stared at me. I will never forget the way her face slowly fell as the impact of what I said hit her. I could see the pain in her eyes, and it broke my heart,” Toreka said in her Facebook post.

Toreka addressed the question of why it took her until the age of 40 to share her truth, emphasizing that the “presence of abuse always matters and that “there is no expiration date on the impact it has on victims and their loved ones.”

“I just didn’t know,”said Toreka. “It didn’t take me 22 years to decide to tell the truth; it took me 22 years to realize the truth.”

She characterized her alleged relationship with then-First Lady Walker as a form of abuse, asserting that it did not happen in a “vacuum” and that they were not strangers to each other. 

“I was a church youth whom she watched grow up alongside her own two children,”Toreka said in her Facebook post in November 2023. “She herself was a mother figure to the kids in our congregation and to my siblings. And again, she was close friends with my mother.”

Toreka expressed that it was inappropriate for the First Lady of the church to engage in a sexual relationship with her, despite her being 18 years old, as she felt she was “far from being a proper adult despite her perceived maturity. She said pastor Walker who she referred to as “First” was 38-years-old at the time.

Pastor Sonya Spence Walker was alleged to have engaged in a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old member of her church while her husband served as the pastor.
Pastor Sonya Spence Walker was alleged to have engaged in a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old member of her church while her husband served as the pastor.

“It was she who was the fully grown adult, not me. She was the married woman, not me. She was the church leader, not me. She was in the position of power, not me. She was even the one who initiated intimacy…not me,”Toreka said in her Facebook post.

Reflecting on her late 30s, Toreka stated that she came to recognize her alleged relationship with Walker as abusive. She noted that while pastor Walker held a position of “First” within their church community, she also was a “First” to her “in other ways.” 

“She was my ‘Sandy,’ and I was her ‘Sweetness,’ “Toreka said in her social media post. My song for her was Anita Baker’s “Angels” and hers for me was “Sweet Love”. “Being with her showed me just how passionately I could love another person. I gave her my soul.”

In her November 2023 post, Toreka continued and expressed that she had allegedly given pastor Walker her “virginity, heart, and soul,and lamented that she would have devoted her life to happiness and growth had Walker accepted it.

Two decades since then

Two decades later, Toreka acknowledged that she had grown and learned that abuse does not always manifest as physical violence; it can often be more subtle and coercive. She highlighted that the power and authority held by individuals in positions of influence can enable predators to exploit their victims.

Toreka James took her own life after detailing the sexual abuse she claims occurred starting at the age of 18.
Toreka James took her own life after detailing the sexual abuse she claims occurred starting at the age of 18.

She said “true love” did not resemble the relationship she allegedly had with pastor Walker, noting that years later, Walker had allegedly kicked her to the curb, forcing her to return to the “illusion of the life she’d had before.

“I was left behind, her dirty little secret shoved into a dark corner,” Toreka wrote in her Facebook post. “The abandonment broke me… I wanted to die, and I almost killed myself.

During a period of suicidal thoughts, Toreka got help by checking herself into a hospital, where she was prescribed medication for depression and adopted a cat for companionship, as she struggled to be alone with her thoughts. While she did not blame pastor Walker, she took responsibility for their alleged affair.

Toreka mentioned that her church taught that homosexuality was a sin, yet she overlooked the fact that the bishop’s wife was also “queer, a reality that pastor Walker allegedly ignored. She recalled a time when the topic of gay marriage was contentious in North Carolina, and Walker preached from the pulpit about the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, with the congregation giver her an “Amen”.

“I wondered how she could say that out of the same mouth that kissed me. And even then, I still didn’t blame her.”

Toreka kept their alleged relationship secret to protect pastor Walker, acknowledging that their involvement was wrong and that if it were to be revealed, she would be blamed for her “gay spirit.”

A Trip To New York

She recounted a trip to New York with her mother, pastor Walker, and other church members, during which Walker allegedly engaged in intimate acts with her in a hotel room while her mother was out shopping. Following this encounter, two church members reportedly overheard them, and one later warned Toreka that what’s done in the dark comes to the light.

Last communication in 2018

In her social media post, Toreka expressed her intention to speak out as a means of liberating herself. She noted that her last communication with pastor Walker allegedly occurred via Facebook Messenger in 2018, during which she wanted acknowledgment and confrontation regarding the pain inflicted upon her.

“Instead, she told me that I need to ‘let it go and move on,’ and that nothing would change concerning her past. She said she ‘prayed’ about her, and evidently that’s all she needed to do. We were supposed to talk once more, but we never spoke again after that conversation.”

Toreka referred to Walker as apredator, asserting that such individuals rarely take accountability for their actions and often exploit the silence of their victims, which is frequently driven by shame.

“For 22 years, the love I’d still held for her in my heart is what kept her secret in my throat. Now, I free myself from both.”


 ‘The True Confessions Of A Teenage Mistress’

In a series of videos titled The True Confessions of A Teenage Mistress,” which began in January 2024, Toreka aimed to share her story of being “sexually abused and exploited by a leader of my childhood church when I turned 18.” She described the vlog as part of her healing process, intended to release the pain and hurt of being used by someone held in high esteem by her family and community.

“By telling my story, I hope to encourage others to tell theirs,”Toreka said.

You can watch her ‘The True Confessions of A Teenage Mistress’ series by clicking HERE.

September 7th, Toreka commits suicide

At 12 a.m. on September 8, a post seemed to have been scheduled was made on her Facebook page with the caption “July 25, 1983, to September 7, 2024.”

The content of the post, read:

I did the best I could with what I had. I’m sorry it wasn’t enough. But now I don’t have to live for anyone else anymore. I can finally die for me.


On the day of Toreka’s passing, her mother, Carletta, announced on Facebook at 6:21 p.m. that her eldest daughter had passed away.


Word Center Church Pastor

Pastor Sonya Spence Walker was alleged to have engaged in a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old member of her church while her husband served as the pastor.
Pastor Sonya Spence Walker was alleged to have engaged in a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old member of her church while her husband served as the pastor.

According to the Word Center Church website, Pastor Sonya Walker is described as someone who “not only studies the Word but lives the Word, a narrative that starkly contrasts with Toreka‘s accounts prior to her death. The church’s website further claims that pastor Walker is a virtuous woman of which the Bible speaks,and notes that she has been preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ for over 20 years.


  1. The grown bisexual pastor should have not tampered with the young lady. She should have allowed the young lady to find herself with someone her own age. The bisexual, grown, married woman should have found another grown bisexual, woman to romp around with instead of confusing the young woman with sex and then throwing religious beliefs at her when she was done. The grown lady knew that nothing but chaos would come of it, but self gratification overshadowed her good sense. She took advantage of the young lady’s inexperience just like men do with young women and that wasn’t right, but that doesn’t make either of them any less a child of God. That was a bad decision. A decision that the young lady’s emotions could not handle because she wasn’t mature enough to recognize the manipulation. The pastor is dead wrong, however, men do it ALL the time. God will deal with her with those spiritual hands. But, just because we can see her wrong doesn’t make what we do wrong any better. Cast the first stone if you have never done anything wrong. My heart goes out to the young lady. I wish she would have had a chance to get help and work through it.

    • I John 3
      4 Everyone who practices sin practices lawlessness as well. Indeed, sin is lawlessness.
      5 But you know that Christ appeared to take away sins, and in Him there is no sin.
      6 No one who remains in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has seen Him or known Him.
      7 Little children let no one deceive you: The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Christ is righteous
      8 The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the very start. This is why the Son of God was revealed, to destroy the works of the devil.
      9 Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God’s seed abides in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.
      10 By this the children of God are distinguished from the children of the devil: Anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is anyone who does not love his brother.

  2. This conduct is prevalent in the Black Church, and our youngsters who are trying to find themselves are targets of this type of abuse. This pastor abused the trust bestowed upon her and should be held accountable. She betrayed the call (if she was called). Unfortunately, she will either deny this happened or repent when other young people surface. The Black church needs to understand that Homosexuals are children of God, like the rest of us, and should be accepted, embraced, and protected as part of the body of Christ. As clergy, we are commissioned to catch the fish, not clean them; if there is any cleaning to be done, that is God’s job. The Church failed this young lady….sad

    • A homosexual is not a child of God. You cant be a child of God living in sin. If you are living sin your father is the devil. Thats scripture. When you come to God your identity has to change. You must become a new creature. Old things or old way of life has to change. So no the body of Christ does not have to accept anybody that is living a sinful lifestyle. But we do have to accept anyone who comes in and says I need help, I am a sinner and I want a change in my life.

      • I agree 100%. To that gentlemen, Gay people are welcome to come to church, truly. And so is everyone who is struggling with sexual immorality for that matter because it’s the same group. BUT NOT TO BE AFFIRMED BY THE CHURCH. You come to church because you know it’s wrong to sleep around, because you know homosexuality is wrong. You come to church because you want to change and you are seeking God for that. The problem with gay people is they want us to tell them God loves them and it’s okay to be gay. When all sexual immorality is an abomination to the Lord. Let us be very careful not to coddle sin in our midst, but not to be unwelcoming to those who want help. Let is hate this sin, and call it what it is, SIN, but let us love the person and rebuke them in love.

  3. Black women are always accusing Black men of being on the “down low” when its really them that be in whole lesbian relationships with little girls lmao. Black women gay ASF

    • Okay????? But it doesn’t change the FACT that black males are majority on the down low and are predators. Another thing…why did you turn this situation into black males vs. Black women conversation? It’s getting old.

  4. She knew her abuser her entire life. The abuser watched her grow up and began grooming her at age 14! She waited until Toreka turned 18 to begin the relationship. The pastor is wrong on all accounts! She was 38 sleeping with an 18 year old when her own children were only 1-3 years younger than Toreka. That pastor knew Toreka was different and preyed on her! Ya’ll fools for blaming a child, 18 is grown but 21 is legal! The pastor waited a month after she turned 18 and had left for college to initiate a sexual relationship. Toreka is wrong and took accountability however, the pastor has not! The pastor is at fault!!!!

  5. It’s unfortunate but in the eyes of the law, it was a consensual lesbian relationship. The sin was adultery. The wage was death. A jilted lover and a false prophet. Nothing new here.

  6. It’s unfortunate but in the eyes of the law, it was a consensual lesbian relationship. The sin was adultery. The wage was death. A jilted lover and a false prophet. Nothing new here.

    • Yeah but in the eyes of the Lord it’s abomination. If she hasn’t repented she will pay for this. And blood might on Ms. Sonya’s hands. I wonder how she feels today since she knows the young lady killed herself?

  7. This is a sad case! I can’t believe that this is anywhere near made up. But as firm believer in the Word and God, vengeance is His and she will get what she deserves. Just sad that Tori couldn’t handle all of this mentally. Sad. Heartbreaking.

  8. She can say or they can say what they want to only God sit high and look low, God will reveal the truth. Sending Prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏 and Healing to the family our Condolences

  9. Oh Lord, forgive us. Not again, lives are being destroyed by the enemy. This poor young lady, who thought death was better than living. Oh God, have mercy. We know that temptations comes to everyone. I pray that when we are tempted with whatever sin, we would go to God confessing our sins, then finding some one who we can trust. Who will keep us accountable. Let’s bring these sins out, so that healing will begin. Only with God’s help can this be done.

    • So blood will be on the pastor wife hands. She committed abomination with young minded girl at the time. The lady tossed her way instead of asking for forgiveness. Repenting and asking God forgiveness. Because the young lady couldn’t deal with it she commits suicide. Now I wonder how Ms. Sonya feels today? Really sad


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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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