Sunday, March 9, 2025



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Woman wants other women to know about narcicist man who she was in a domestic violence relationship with

An anonymous woman has come to The North Carolina Beat to warn other women to be careful when dating a man she describes as an abusive narcissist, with whom she was once in a relationship.

The domestic violence survivor told The North Carolina Beat that 34-year-old T’Darian Jacquez Thomas has threatened her, beaten her, and tried to paint a false narrative of her, all while not revealing to his followers that he is putting on a show to cover up his long list of domestic violence charges.

T’Darian Jacquez Thomas

In July 2023, Thomas was arrested and charged with several domestic violence offenses, including violating a domestic violence restraining order, assaulting a female, possession of a firearm by a felon, and assault by pointing a gun.

According to the domestic violence victim, she stated that all the charges were related to what Thomas did to her. The woman said that Thomas won’t leave her alone. She said he even befriended her social media friends just to let them see the negative things he’s posting about her.

Those friends would come back and show her what Thomas posted about her, such as pictures of her, her address, lies, and other malicious things to torment a woman he had allegedly been abusing.

The woman told The North Carolina Beat that she and Thomas had been together since she was 20 years old, and he was all she knew. She said the two of them created a family together, and she has always protected him no matter what they had going on. The domestic violence survivor said Thomas has thrown her to the wolves every chance he gets, even though he’s the abuser.

The North Carolina Beat obtained a domestic violence protection order granted by a Mecklenburg County judge in August 2023 for the victim of domestic violence. In the order, the presiding judge found that T’Darian Jacquez Thomas placed the victim in fear of imminent serious bodily harm and in fear of continued harassment that rises to a level sufficient to inflict substantial emotional distress.

According to the complaint, on July 20, 2023, Thomas “threatened to kill the Plantiff and sent her numerous unwanted communications the next day, harassing and intimidating Plantiff. Defendant has a history of physically assaulting Plantiff, causing bodily injury and harm (including, but not limited to bruising, cuts, and abrasions). Defendant also shot into Plantiff’s home in 2020 (in violation of a DVPO) and pointed a gun at Plantiff. Plantiff fears for her safety and for the safety of her children.”

The judge has ordered Thomas to stay away from the victim, not to assault, harass, intimidate, threaten, abuse, or interfere with her life. The judge also ordered Thomas not to threaten anyone in the household of the victim.

The domestic violence protection order is in effect until August 7, 2024.

You can read the documents below: 

Domestic Violence protection order against T'Darian Jacquez Thomas
Domestic Violence protection order against T’Darian Jacquez Thomas
Domestic Violence protection order against T'Darian Jacquez Thomas
Domestic Violence protection order against T’Darian Jacquez Thomas
Domestic Violence protection order against T'Darian Jacquez Thomas
Domestic Violence protection order against T’Darian Jacquez Thomas
Domestic Violence protection order against T'Darian Jacquez Thomas
Domestic Violence protection order against T’Darian Jacquez Thomas


  1. First off his lips are a no for me and a clear sign that he does not properly keep up on his oral hygiene so I know the rest of it is not taken care of. Its giving plaque and thick yellow tarter on his teeth gums and tongue.

    She needs to take screenshots down to the courthouse weekly or hell every single time that he does is because he is using social media to stalk and harass and cyber bully her and sending friend requests to her friends are several violations of the DVPO. Sending friend requests is an attempt to contact her via 3rd party. She needs to apply pressure to the D.A. and judge until he is locked up which he should have already been. That DVPO is just a piece of paper to abusers and they know it is going to take a hundred violations before they actually do something about it and that something is usually summoning him before the judge just for the judge to tell him to stop and threaten him with a few days in jail for contempt of court if he does it again which will be another hundred times.
    By now these judges and D.A.s know that that piece of paper is nothing to them and actually only pisses them off because now the victim has gotten the law involved and threatened their freedom “you tyrin to lock me up” “why you put them pigs in our business and my life.”
    The fact that he shot into her home while her and her kids were there and has pointed a gun in her face should be enough to let them know when given the chance he will kill her.
    They give these abusers a slap on the wrist over and over and over and each time the victim does what they are instructed to do which is to call the police it fuels their hatred and rage towards the victim because the police do nothing but tell him to go away when/if they show up at all and if they do tale them to jail its only 24hrs if that and ROR them or give them a $50 bail then they are out right back at it. They dont get any real consequences until someone is seriously injured or dead. Then and only then is when the D.A. and judge goes hard on the abusers and expresses their disgust for them and their behavior. By the time they want to fight for the victim they are dead damn near dead or the abuser has hurt or killed their loved one which is usually the child(ren).
    Who is going to protect us and when?


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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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