It may be a long time before this so-called manna GAWD mount another pulpit, rather, it looks like he’s going to be LAYING HANDS, BAPTIZING, and doing the LORD’S work in JAIL and receiving commissary as tithes and offerings.
Welp, Word On The Curb….Bishop Anthony Wyoming Bazemore of Solid Rock Evangelistic Church of Deliverance in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is in jail with NO BOND, and WE THE PEOPLE SAY….‘Chileeeeee, they got him AGAIN????’

YUP, that’s right. They got his a*s AGAIN! Bishop Bazemore was booked into the Forsyth County Detention Center on December 04, 2022, on over 30 charges that include (2) counts of FORGERY-UTTERING, (4) counts of OBTAINING PROPERTY BY FALSE PRETENSES, (1) count of RECEIVING AND POSSESSING A STOLEN MOTOR VEHICLE, (6) counts of WORTHLESS CHECKS, (16) counts of FAILURE TO APPEAR (1) count of being a FUGITIVE. His bonds total $161,000, but because Bishop Bazemore has a FUGITIVE warrant, he cannot be released.
For Bishop Bazemore, these are the consequences of being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Having no money in the bank and a bunch of checkbooks is a habit for this clown. Bishop Bazemore is no stranger to the broke, busted, disgusted, messed up from the neck-up industry. You would think every judge in North Carolina knows who he is, as he has often stood before them for writing bad checks.
Not only does Bishop Bazemore have cases for frauddddddd but he also has a pending case for assaulting a woman in Forsyth County and appears in court along with the aforementioned charges on December 29, 2022.
In October 2021, Bishop Bazemore was arrested and charged with writing bad checks at two car dealerships.
I don’t know what it is with Bishop Bazemore and why he won’t find him a job and live an authentic life rather than acting like he’s this big-time BISHOP in full-time ministry when he’s REALLY a FULL-TIME THIEF AND ROGUE.
It’s so sad that Bishop Bazemore has BETRAYED JESUS yet again with his behavior that has cost him his marriage, church, friends, and any good thing that was coming his way. It now looks like he will start a full-time ministry in PRISON because that’s where he’s headed at the disposition of these charges that are longer than I-40.
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