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Mother says 35-year-old Greensboro NC pastor impregnated her 15-year-old daughter

The HighpointNorth Carolina police department is investigating a 35-year-old pastor accused of impregnating a 15-year-old girl who looked at the pastor as a father figure before taking advantage of her.

The North Carolina Beat will not release the minor’s name during this story.

Tereia Barnes, the mother of the 15-year-old girl, says 35-year-old Apostle Demiro Johnson of the Church of The Apostolic Saints impregnated her daughter, who is now 22 weeks pregnant.

Apostle Demiro Johnson

Barnes said that her daughter told her on Saturday, August 20, 2022, about her pregnancy and that Johnson was the father.

McCurdy’s 15-year-old daughter and her other children had attended Johnson’s church since 2019, but she never attended. Barnes said that she also learned this past Saturday that Johnson had been having sex with her daughter since her daughter was 14 before she turned 15 in March of this year.

The 15-year-old told her mother that the first two times Johnson allegedly had sex with her was in October of 2021 when she was 14.

Barnes said her daughter told her that the first two times Johnson had sex with her was in October of 2021, at Johnson’s apartment in GreensboroNorth Carolina.

Johnson allegedly preyed on this now 15-year-old girl. The girl’s brother, who is 17 years old, was an armor bearer to Johnson, and Barnes sub-leased a home from Johnson in November of 2021.

Barnes said she believes Johnson was in a secret relationship with her daughter because of a note she found on her daughter’s phone, telling Johnson, “Happy five months.”

The North Carolina Beat spoke with different people who told us that Johnson was also a father figure to them, and sometimes due to them being in church late, they would all crash at his place overnight and go home the following day.

Apostle Demiro Johnson

The 15-year-old told her mother that in October 2021, she and her brother were over at Johnson’s place in Greensboro and Johnson told them other people from the church were coming to the house to spend the night. Johnson allegedly told the 15-year-old that she and her brother could sleep in his room. The other ones coming would sleep in his daughter’s room, and some would sleep downstairs.

Barnes said that her daughter and son were in Johnson’s room watching tv, but the other people who were supposed to come over to the house never showed up. She said her daughter said that Johnson told her and her brother that they didn’t have to leave his room and that they could stay in there with him. JohnsonMcCurdy’s daughter, and her son were watching movies in the room.

After Barnes’s son fell asleep, she said her daughter told her that Johnson put his arms around her and asked her if she was comfortable. Barnes said her daughter told Johnson“Yeah, I guess.” And then Johnson allegedly asked the 15-year-old if she was scared.


After Johnson asked the 15-year-old if she was scared, Barnes said her daughter said Johnson started rubbing his hands down her back and kissing her. She said she asked her daughter what Johnson did after he began kissing her, and she said her daughter told her that Johnson asked her again if she was comfortable and had ever let a man kiss her. Barnes said her daughter told Johnson, “No.”

After her daughter told Johnson, “No,” Barnes said her daughter said  Johnson told her that he would take it slow with her and that he would get her comfortable. She said her daughter told her that she just sat there because she didn’t know what to do. Then, Barnes said her daughter said Johnson pulled her pants down, pulled her to the floor, got on top of her, and started penetrating her.


Barnes said her daughter told her that Johnson asked if she wanted him to stop and that he would take it slow on her, and before her daughter could say anything, Johnson kept penetrating the 15-year-old and started going slow on the girl.


Members of Johnson’s church say that on August 9, 2022Johnson went to Las Vegas and married a lady named Chianne Craven, and they didn’t know Johnson was getting ready to get married until it was posted on social media.



Chianne Craven


Before deactivating his Facebook account, Johnson made a statement on social media hinting at the allegations being posted on social media, but he never denied any claim. All he mentioned was about people backstabbing him and not praying for him. He also said he would continue being an Apostle in the Lord’s church and would not quit the ministry.

Apostle Demiro Johnson Facebook Post

Barnes also told The North Carolina Beat that Johnson tried to talk to her son’s 16-year-old ex-girlfriend in the past, and she told Johnson that she was too old for him, and he kept pursuing her. It seems like this crocodile doesn’t know how to take “NO” for an answer; instead, he pushes up on young girls with what he has and can do for them to try to get in their pants. Unfortunately for Barnes’s 15-year-old daughter, Johnson groomed her as a member and so-called spiritual father to impregnate her.

On MondayAugust 22, 2022Barnes took to Facebook to call out Johnson telling people that he is a rapist, to keep their children away from them and that there are proven facts that he messes with underage children.

In December of 2021, a North Carolina comedian named Jason Tuttle posted on social media about Johnson being in underage boys and girls’ Facebook inboxes trying to get with them.

Chile after doing a little more research, and honestly, it wasn’t a whole lot because Stevie Wonder’sblind a*s could’ve seen this. We stumbled across a flyer for Johnson’s birthday and 10th pastoral anniversary, and when we saw some of the names of the preachers invited to share the Word of God, we knew these allegations were true.

Among those who preached for Johnson’s celebrations in July were Apostle Dupree, who is said to be messing with the kids and was recently spotted in a rainbow LGBTQ+ robe, and Apostle Shawn Smith, who we wrote a story on in 2021 for trying to sleep with one of his members.

Barnes said that she learned that after her daughter told her that Johnson had impregnated her, he left town and has been in contact with little to no people.

The North Carolina Beat reached out to Johnson for comment but could not reach him. However, we contacted his alleged Wife, Chianne, who stated that she hasn’t “really” been in contact with Johnson.

If you have any information related to these allegations or if you are a victim of Apostle Demiro Johnson, please contact Detective Janelle Carroll with the High Point Police Department at (336)-887-7842.

If you have a story about Demiro Johnson or have a story you think the public should know about, email us at [email protected].

Follow Gerald on Instagram @iiamgj and Facebook @TheOfficialGeraldJackson

Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jacksonhttps://www.instagram.com/iiamgj/
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson and I am 28-years-old. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!


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