Monday, March 10, 2025



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[VIDEO]: Florida coach caught on video cursing out player and calling him a ‘Pu**y B**tch’

Derek Jenks, the founder of SWFL Prep and Tech in Naples, was caught on video cursing out one of his players, Alvin Day, like a “dog”. However, the player accepted the coach’s apology and is still on the team.

Derek Jenks

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It would have had to be a cold day in hell for my coach to talk to me this way, and yet I still sit beside him and continue playing on his football team. There’s absolutely no way I would. To each its own, though.

The football coach from a prep school in Southwest Florida not only wanted to fight Alvin Day, but also called him various derogatory names to his face in a hotel room filled with other players.

Alvin Day


After the video went viral, Derek Jenks took to social media in a video statement alongside Day, claiming that he was “suspending” himself. He cited that his actions were disrespectful and uncalled for.

I’m going to do what I can to seek mentorship for myself to be able to become a better coach and mentor to my players and so that I can make sure this never happens again, Jenks said in a video shared on the school’s Facebook page.

After Jenks‘ statement, Day made a statement saying that he was glad Jenks was “holding himself to the same standard that he held us to and I do forgive the actions of Coach Jenks as he has been a good mentor to me. I’m hoping we can move forward.”


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In a comment on the Facebook post, Quonekuia Day, who identifies herself as Alvin Day’s mother, said the family is considering all options “to ensure that Coach Jenks is held accountable for this disgraceful act.”

Incorporated in January 2022 as a Florida not-for-profit corporation, SWFL Preparatory and Technical Institute is a tuition-based school that offers credit recovery and SAT preparatory classes as well as technical school options for post-high school football players, many of whom are trying to secure opportunities to play in college.

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  1. The fact that a room full of the most powerful beings ALLOWED this to happen… Our people need to come together in this age of aquarius. Know who we are and stand in our truths together .. stop playing their games and trying to harmonize with violent beings.

  2. I hope they sue him so good he has to shut his program down. There is no way I would have accepted any type of apology or allow my child to. His mother does not pay tuition for her child to be talked to worse than a dog and have his legs/feet/life threatened. Had he been my child I would have pulled him off that team and out of that school and explored other options for him to play football away from this man that is “really about that life” because he is abusive and one day he is going to follow through with his treats on one on them boys. He clearly needs angermanage and cognitive/critical thinking training/education and a communications class.


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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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