Chileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….y’all asses are gon learn to stay out of people’s YARDS….now two girls are dead because their pull-up game was a little bit too strong…smh!
Police in Holmes County, Mississippi, say two men were shot and killed after 24-year-old Tiateiyuna Day and 33-year-old Karissa Job pulled up to the woman’s house.

The BeatMob sent the video in, and let me tell you…the woman gave the two women chance after chance, like Lil Baby said to get away from her house, but one of the girls insisted that she sit on the hood of the woman’s car, but that didn’t last but for a little while.
Next thing you know, a woman comes out of the house with her pistol locked and loaded.
According to Holmes County Sheriff Willie March, the shooting happened on Emory Road at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday afternoon. March said two people were shot when his deputies arrived on the scene. One died at the scene, and the other died en route to a local hospital.
We don’t know exactly what led Day and Job to pull up to this woman’s house, but they were wrong. Don’t pull up to people’s houses with trouble because you can’t choose how they respond.
According to police, they are speaking with a woman who is connected to the incident, and most likely, it’s the woman who pulled the trigger.
No arrests have been made yet.
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She might not get charged 4 murder child endangerment Probably they gon get her 4 something
[…] Two Mississippi women gunned downed on Facebook live after pulling up to woman house to fight […]
I ain’t even gon hold you I probably would of done the same
Stay outta folks yard, I don’t care if they are cousins. Family will kill you before a gang member will😩🥺
Families are gangs.
The hatred was real in that family.
Can you imagine being a child in an environment like that? Child endangerment charges need to filed at a minimum if nothing else.
This is why you have to avoid weak people. They are capable of doing anything. A strong person knows their strength and worth and react with calculated measure. Weak people inflict needless misery and sorrow on us all.
Weak people? How is she weak , she warned them , you don’t roll up to people’s house threatening them , there she has family and people to protect , nothing weak about defending that !
That was her cousin that shot her ND her aunt telling her get off her truck.
You can’t pay me nothing to under estimate nobody!!! Than she started saying sorry, Shame they went over there! RIP
She asked for the red light so she got it
You see people think they can just pull up at someone’s house and cause problems. Some are not fighting anymore they let guns do the fighting. Sad but it’s the world we live in now.
“I’m sorry” …damn…not when you already on the ground. This is so sad. And there was a child outside which is bananas to me.
Exactly that baby was sooo shocked and scared 😳
Probably about a man who will move on with a woman. That’s the sad part.
Wow just wow
Dam Gerald why she go to them peeps house dam she shot they a*s