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Jonathan Hanes clears his name with HIV test results after bitter girl he talked to for 4 weeks fabricated fake text messages to falsely accuse him of having HIV

Nadine Monica Pochette of Raleigh, North Carolina created fabricated text messages and falsely accused her ex-boyfriend, Jonathan Hanes, of having HIV and transmitting it to her. Pochette created a new “contact” in her phone and used Jonathan’s phone number as the name of the “contact” to create the fake texts.

Word On The Curb…a thot scorned in Raleigh, North Carolina, who had no shame in her game went on social media to post fake text messages she created about her ex-boyfriend allegedly having HIV and giving it to her. She has admitted that she lied, and The North Carolina Beat has identified her as Nadine Monica Pochette.

Nadine Monica Pochette
Nadine Monica Pochette

Nadine Pochette’s false claims about Jonathan Hanes went viral early Sunday and were widely circulated on blogs on Monday. Despite her assertion that she had proof,  Nadine has yet to post the proof. Her lies, disguised as fake text messages with Jonathan Hanes’ phone number and face, were plastered on an Instagram account she created to humiliate and tarnish his reputation. The account has since been deleted, but the story has caused a stir.

‘She’s lying, it’s not true’

On Sunday night, The North Carolina Beat reached out to Jonathan and spoke with him and his mother. He told us that Nadine was lying about him because he didn’t want anything else to do with her. He said he plans to file a lawsuit against her and that he would be taking a test to prove his innocence.

Jonathan Hanes
Jonathan Hanes

“I’m going tomorrow to take my test and when the results come back, ima post it,” Hanes said. “She lying on me man.”

While The North Carolina Beat will not republish the disgusting lies posted by Nadine about Jonathan, we will say that they were all made up. Nadine, who appeared to be mentally challenged, was pretending to be Jonathan in the text exchange and then responding as herself.

After speaking with Jonathan, The North Carolina Beat reached out to Nadine, who communicated with us through a friend. We asked her to provide us with proof of her claim that Jonathan Hanes allegedly gave her HIV. She denied showing us the documents.

The North Carolina Beat to Nadine on the fake account she created about Jonathan Hanes.
The North Carolina Beat to Nadine on the fake account she created about Jonathan Hanes.

Nadine apologizes 

Nadine Monica Pochette
Nadine Monica Pochette

On Monday, we sent her a message on the fake Instagram account she created using Jonathan’s name and photo, and told her to send us the results or we would expose her. She never accepted the invitation to the message. However, we later discovered that before we sent her the message, she had posted a story on the fake Instagram account and apologized for sharing the trivial information about Jonathan. She later deleted the story.

Nadine’s deceitfulness has caused her to be publicly called out for falsely accusing a Black man in college trying to pursue an education and build a successful life. However, this parking lot thot from the bootlegger wanted to be called Rachel,when her actual name was Nadine Monica Pochette, the whole dayum time. She claimed that she was a virgin and that Jonathan took her virginity. However, according to friends from Irvington, New Jersey, who knows Nadine personally says she got around.

And let’s be honest. If she was humping like that up there in Jersey, then you know dayum well she was face down, a** up in Carolina.

‘The fake text messages’

The text messages that Nadine posted were fake. She used two phones to create the messages. She took Jonathan’s phone number and typed it into the “First Name” field. Nadine then took another phone number and entered it into the “Number” field of the contact she had created, using Jonathan’s number as the contact name and saved it.

After saving the contact, she pretended to be Jonathan on one phone and responded as herself on the other, sending frivolous text messages that were never actually sent by Jonathan. The North Carolina Beat has reproduced in a video exactly how Nadine executed this reckless stunt.


Nadine Monica Pochette admits to a friend of Jonathan Hanes that she lied about him having HIV

A friend of Jonathan had a phone conversation with Nadine about the viral post she had made. She told the friend that Jonathan didn’t have HIV.


Nadine Monica Pochette
Nadine Monica Pochette

Nadine deletes fake Instagram account 

Early Tuesday, Nadine deactivated the fake Instagram account she made about Jonathan.


Jonathan Hanes test results.
Jonathan Hanes test results.
Jonathan Hanes test results.
Jonathan Hanes test results.

On Tuesday afternoon, Jonathan Hanes went live on Instagram to share his HIV test results that he took on Monday, January 8, which came back negative, along with the results for other STDs he was tested for. He stated that he had and Nadine had been talking for 4 weeks, but she blocked him, so he blocked her in return.


The North Carolina Beat is live tonight at 7PM EST on Youtube: 

Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jacksonhttps://www.instagram.com/iiamgj/
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson and I am 28-years-old. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!


  1. “On Wednesday afternoon, Jonathan Hanes went live on Instagram to share his HIV test results that he took on Monday, January 8, which came back negative”

    Wednesday is tomorrow


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