Text messages reveal that Keyth Davis Sr., the pastor of Temple of Worship Fellowship Church in Opelika, Alabama, allegedly engaged in sexting and sexual relations with his former church member and spiritual daughter, Lynn Foster, while she and her daughter were living with him and his wife, First Lady LaJunda J. Davis in Nostalgia, Alabama.

Word On The Curb…Another pimpin’ pastor in the pulpit has been accused of cheating on his wife with his former spiritual daughter, Lynn Foster. According to the website of Keyth Davis Sr.’s church, he is described as an overseer. However, text messages received by The North Carolina Beat suggest that Pastor Keyth Davis Sr. of Temple of Worship Fellowship Church in Opelika, Alabama, is involved in infidelity, and his wife should be running for the hills like Bishop T.D. Jake’s wife, Serita Jakes, was gliding across the stage with her fake praise.
Every time we turn around, the pastors are featured in the blogs more than the drug dealers and killers. This situation is shameful and disgraceful. A man who is married to a woman, calls himself a pastor of a church, and then invites a girl from the church into his and his wife’s home, allegedly having sex with her behind his wife’s back while she is out shopping for food to feed his bald headed a**.
Lynn Foster told The North Carolina Beat that she first met LaJunda at work between February and March 2023. During that time, she said she and her daughter had their own apartment. However, her younger brother was murdered nearby, and it was affecting their mental health.

Lynn said that’s when LaJunda extended an invitation to her church.
“My baby was really depressed,” Lynn said. “She didn’t really want to go outside or do anything, but stay stuck up under me.” “So LaJunda had invited us to her church and said that we could move down there so my daughter could get away from everything we was dealing with here.”
In April 2023, Lynn stated that she had been attending the Temple of Worship Fellowship Church when LaJunda approached her and offered her and her daughter the opportunity to live with her and Pastor Keyth, to help her daughter get through the death of her uncle. Lynn said she had agreed, but she didn’t want to abruptly move into LaJunda’s home, especially since she was married. She said she had told LaJunda to ensure that her husband was okay with that.
“I kept telling her that she couldn’t just move me in her house and she is married,” Lynn said. “I had to keep telling her to check with her husband because I wanted to be respectful.”
“I talked to dad and he said that’s fine, you can move down here.”
Lynn said she had considered moving because living in her apartment was causing her a great deal of emotional pain and depression due to her brother’s murder nearby and would help her daughter’s mental health. She said that she decided to move in with First Lady LaJunda and Pastor Keyth. At first, everything was good, but things changed.
She recalled a time when she was living with her spiritual parents, and it was the first time that Pastor Keyth Davis Sr. allegedly made an inappropriate comment to her. She said she “kind of brushed it off.”
“He came to me out of nowhere and said, ‘I got to keep you from Opelika because, I think you go to Opelika to suck d*ck'”, Lynn recalled Pastor Keyth Davis Sr. telling her. “I kind of brushed it off because he’s my spiritual dad, so…I kind of brushed it off.”
Pastor Keyth allegedly made inappropriate comments on a Sunday morning.
One Sunday morning, on the way to the House of the Lord, Lynn mentioned that she and Pastor Keyth’s daughter were riding with him to church. She said that she was in the front seat, and before this particular incident, there had never been any sexual activity between them. Lynn said that as they were riding to church, Keyth was on the phone with somebody and was looking at her while he was allegedly telling them on the other line, “I thank God for delivering me from my ho*ish ways”.
“He was look at me when he said it,” Lynn recalled. “I had to check myself and make sure I had my dress pulled down because it was so weird.”
Later that day, Lynn said that she confronted the alleged adulterer and fornicator about the inappropriate comment he had made to her.
“It’s really crazy what you keep saying to me,” Lynn said to Pastor Keyth. “I’m letting him know that I know he is trying to come on to me.”
Lynn told The North Carolina Beat that the imposter, who pose as a pastor by day and a trickster by night, continued to try to flirt with her. She said Pastor Keyth started saying, “You’re not about that life, you’re not about that life,” which she found confusing because Pastor Keyth and his wife had taken her and her daughter in to help them, not to coerce Lynn into entertaining his alleged cheating behavior.
Something must have been going on with Pastor Keyth and his wife, LaJunda, for him to continue trying to allegedly pursue a romantic relationship with Lynn. Lynn said she tried to tell LaJunda on multiple occasions that her husband was making advances towards her, but she was being ignored. She said she assumed that LaJunda knew what she was going to tell her.
“At this point, I’m like maybe I got to do it,” Lynn said. I kept saying to myself he keep coming on to me’ and iF I SAY SOMETHING TO SOMEBODY, IMA GET PUT OUT ANYWAY BECAUSE THEY ARE GONNA SAY i’M LYING ON THE PASTOR BECAUSE HE’S THE PASTOR.” “I thought about me giving up my apartment and them allowing us to live with them and use their cars and I didn’t want me and my daughter to be homeless.”
Lynn said she gave in and told herself to just do it because she didn’t want to get kicked out, but she had thoughts that Pastor Keyth would lie, as he always does, and try to say she came on to him.
“I did it,” Lynn said. “I didn’t want to, but I did it and even after having sex with him, I still tried to talk to his wife but she didn’t want to talk, and the sex continued.
Not only was Pastor Keyth allegedly having an affair with Lynn behind his wife’s back, but Lynn also claimed that the pastor of the Temple of Worship Fellowship Church became controlling and took her hard-earned money. She claimed that the pastor, who she described as bizarre, was physically abusive towards her. She also alleged that he threatened her and showed her guns, which he allegedly said would be used if she spoke out about their sexual relationship.
“He was taking my money, abusing me, showing me guns and threatening to kill me if I said anything,” Lynn said to The North Carolina Beat.
On June 19, after allegedly having sex with Lynn in his and LaJunda’s bed, Lynn said Pastor Keyth kicked her and her daughter out of his house. She said that another single mother, who he had been involved with, had texted her about coming to their place because the woman claimed Lynn’s daughter had hit her son. When the woman arrived at Keyth’s house, she went inside and started expressing her frustration, saying, “I don’t play that sh*t about my child”, according to Lynn.
Lynn said as the woman kept repeating “I don’t play that sh*t about my child,” Keyth acted as if he didn’t know what was going on by asking the kids how their day was. She said the woman’s daughter then got involved, and Lynn told the girl and her mother, “I ain’t got time for y’all,” moments before the woman’s daughter started calling Lynn the B-word.
“The woman’s daughter kept calling me B*tches and that’s when my daughter hit the girl,” Lynn said. “After he started paying attention to what was going on, he kept telling me to go in the back and I told him that I was about to leave.”
Lynn said she called a friend who lived nearby to come pick her up. She said she called her friend so she could leave so the situation could be defused.. However, she mentioned that Keyth did not allow her to leave, suspecting that she was trying to bring her friend to confront the woman and her daughter. She said that on the same day, Keyth kicked her out.
“After he took all my income tax money, used me, had s*x with me and all of this and that, you wanna kick me out,” Lynn said. “I had to figure out where i was gonna go. “Thankfully, my friend opened up her home to me.”
After Keyth kicked Lynn out of his house, he moved the woman with whom she had the altercation earlier that day, in. She said he told her that it was LaJunda’s decision to kick her out of the house. She said Keyth always made her feel supported and cared for, with his treatment of her, financial support, and intimacy.
Lynn said she also sent money to Keyth. In a cash app screenshot she sent us, it shows that she sent him $1,593.77 and he sent her $268.00, excluding any cash-cash he gave her.
“I was in a vulnerable state and anything you told me, I believed it, Lynn said. “So the stuff he was telling me about her wanting me out, I believed it because of what he did for me, coming to see me, sending me money all the time, us having s*x and spending time together.”
During Lynn and Keyth’s alleged sexual relationship, she admitted that she developed feelings for Keyth because of how he treated her and made future plans for them.
“I’m not gonna lie, I started catching feelings for him,” Lynn said. “I feel like the reason his wife was ignoring me is because she felt like she knew what I was about to tell her.” “Because that’s the same way you got him…he was married…he was cheating with you and that’s the same way you got him.”
Lynn said that Pastor Keyth was married to a woman named Tiffany Nicole Williams of Raleigh, North Carolina, when he and LaJunda allegedly started an affair. The two split and divorced, and Keyth married LaJunda in another failed holy matrimony.

Text messages reveal that Pastor Keyth Davis Sr. of Temple of Worship Fellowship Church in Opelika, Alabama allegedly had an ongoing sexual relationship with Lynn Foster after he and his wife, LaJunda Davis, moved her and her daughter into their home. Subsequently, Pastor Keyth Davis kicked Lynn and her daughter out of his and his wife’s home.

On April 22, 2023, Pastor Keyth and Lynn are having a conversation about her receiving sexual attention from him, during which he allegedly says to Lynn, “‘I wanna d*ck u down.” Lynn responds, “I need and want you to laugh out loud (lol).” Later in the text, Lynn asks Pastor Keyth if they could have sex the next morning if his wife goes to work early, to which Keyth allegedly responds, “Yes.” Keyth, a married man, allegedly continues to flirt with Lynn.
On May 1, 2023, in a text message, Pastor Keyth allegedly asked Lynn what she was doing, followed by “I want the throat.” Lynn responded that she was heading home and wanted to give it to him. During the text conversation, Keyth allegedly tells Lynn that he was waiting for his daughter ‘Kayln to leave out’.
Lynn suggested that she would perform oral sex on Pastor Keyth, as the married pastor allegedly told her to come on. He and Lynn continue to text each other.
The next day, on May 2, 2023, Pastor Keyth allegedly texted Lynn and asked her if she was okay, to which she replied that she was. He allegedly sent a message asking her what she was doing and then said, “Man, I wanted to hit that P*ssy”, to which Lynn responded that she wanted it.
On May 15, 2023, Lynn sent Pastor Keyth a text message asking him if he liked the pictures she had sent him. Allegedly, he responded, “I love them…I want it.” He then allegedly sent Lynn a photo of himself in his boxers, appearing visibly aroused, to which Lynn said it gave her ‘chills.’ The two go back and forth in text messages, with Keyth saying he was trying to figure out ‘a way to get that right now.’
Pastor Keyth Davis Sr. allegedly wanted to have a threesome with Lynn Foster.
In another exchange of text messages, Lynn and Pastor Keyth discuss the possibility of having sex. The pimp allegedly asks Lynn, ‘Lets do a 3 sum’ and then quickly follows up with “Kidding” and laughing emojis. Lynn responded that she could and would do anything to please her pastor.
“U better f*ck me like i’m yours’, Lynn texted Pastor Keyth.
“BET,” Pastor Keyth said in reply to lynn’s text.
In the text messages, Pastor Keyth allegedly agrees for Lynn to bring out “Constance,” a name Lynn said he gave her because of her wild bedroom pleasure. The two argue back and forth about when Keyth could potentially cheat on his wife, again.. Later in the text, Keyth allegedly suggested 8:30 p.m. after Lynn said 9 p.m.
In video allegedly sent by video Pastor Keyth Davis to sent Lynn, he is seen in a very dark room with a flashing light strapped tapped to head, sticking stuck his tongue out Lynn who is not his wife.
Pastor Keyth allegedly drove to a bridge with a gun after it became known that he and Lynn Foster had been in a sexual relationship and she became pregnant. Lynn Foster alleges that Pastor Keyth pressured her to have an abortion.

On July 21, 2023, Lynn and Keyth had a conversation about Keyth taking a gun to a bridge, seemingly contemplating suicide. Lynn told The North Carolina Beat that rumors had spread about her and Pastor Keyth having an affair, and that she appeared to be pregnant. So, he was upset about that and considered taking his own life.
During the conversation, Pastor Keyth allegedly downplayed the fact that he and Lynn never had a sexual relationship or that he got her pregnant.
One early Sunday morning at 12:08 a.m. on August 6, 2023, Pastor Keyth allegedly texted Lynn, asking her what she was doing because he needed some oral sex, to which Lynn responded that she wanted to give it to him. Pastor Keyth allegedly claimed he wanted it at that moment but eventually stood Lynn up and made an appointment for 7:30 a.m. later that morning. The married pastor allegedly continued texting Lynn and they met up again later that day.
In late December 19, 2023, Lynn had arranged a hotel room for herself and Pastor Keyth so he could allegedly continue his affair with her, despite being married.
Lynn Foster told The North Carolina Beat that she allegedly had sex nearly 100 times with Pastor Keyth Davis Sr., including the time she was living with him and his wife and afterward. She said that she recently publicly criticized the pastor because he had been denying that he ever had sex with her – until she posted some of their text messages. The post was later deleted by Lynn after Pastor Keyth and his wife, LaJunda allegedly retaliated against her by calling Child Protective Services and accusing her of negligence toward her daughter.
Lynn said the alleged cheating pastor lied by claiming she was using drugs and homeless, among other things that Lynn said were untrue.
The North Carolina Beat reached out to Temple of Worship Fellowship Church in Opelika, Alabama, but we did not receive a response for a statement before publishing this story.