Monday, February 17, 2025



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Casket flips over at a North Carolina funeral home during a 36-year-old man’s funeral service

A 36-year-old man was dropped during his funeral at Trinity Funeral Service Memorial Chapel in Kinston, North Carolina Wednesday, with no clear explanation provided by the funeral home staff.


A video circulating on social media captured the moment when Trinity Funeral Home staff were pushing an open casket with a body inside towards the altar for viewing, and subsequently flipping over as it was turned for display.

This incident was sad to see, with some family and friends letting out cries as others went to the aid of the casket.


Reverend Mario Kilpatrick, Vice President and co-owner of Trinity Funeral Home located at 1276 US-258, told The North Carolina Beat that he was unaware of the circumstances surrounding the mishap.

“I wasn’t even there,” Reverend Kilpatrick said. “Honestly, I don’t know.”

Trinity Funeral Home
Trinity Funeral Home

Despite being listed as an owner on the funeral home‘s website, Kilpatrick stated that he was not informed by any staff members about the incident, citing his absence from town at the time.

“I got the video and the phone call, but I was in Newport News, Virginia.”

While Kilpatrick mentioned that the matter has been “settled” with the deceased’s parents, he refrained from disclosing further details regarding the resolution.


  1. This has been resolved with both parties. The open casket gave this the unbalance. We are all human,mistakes do happen. I have seen this happen before and will happen again. Blessings to the family

  2. Condolences to the family and I’m going to say that this funeral home does a excellent job and mistakes does happen and I’m glad that the attendant did not get hurt and my condolences go out to the family may God be with you all

  3. Kilpatrick really adding insult to injury. The video I have clearly show him (Kilpatrick) running up to the video camera stating “Turn that off”…doesn’t make since why he would boldly lie.

  4. Sorry this happened, but please make it a practice not to the casket until it’s in place. I do believe it was the imbalance of the top being open on this particular casket. Mistakes can, do, and will continue to happen.

  5. I see some comments that are very disturbing and disrespectful. Please, understand both parties are very sad about this mishap. If the family wanted the casket open they had that right. May their love one 🙏🏼 RIP

  6. Trinity funeral home is still the best. Mistakes happens unfortunately and I’m very very sorry this happened. My condolences to the family and friends that experience this unfortunate mistake. I’m praying 🙏🏼 for the family and the funeral home. I have no bad comments still a great funeral home and staff. God bless you all.

  7. No man except Jesus has ever walked this earth,(FAULTLESS) meaning never ever making a mistake! Trinity keep doing what you do, Michael Murrell here Mr Herman Best it’s time to put me on the payroll

  8. This funeral home does great work and always has. I know Pastor Mario and his staff and I’m well acquainted with the funeral home so please don’t pass judgment on them because they are awesome mistakes do happen. Let’s keep that brother and the deceased person’s family in prayer.

  9. Yes Accidents do happen. I say to the Funeral Home Staff, hold your head up. This could have happened at anyone’s funeral home. You do excellent work, I will always recommend your service to any family. We all saw it and we know the staff did not sling the casket around and flip it over. Marrio, I’m praying for you and your staff! God bless you and the familyl.

  10. I have attended alot of funerals at this facility
    And they are very professional
    I’m so sorry this incident happened
    Please keep the family in your prayers

  11. I see other ppl in this industry has commented. I would like to say we’re all human, mistakes happen. No matter the profession. I’m sending many prayers to the loved ones family. Remember this time is tragic for the funeral home as well. Sending them prayers as well. Sending many prayers to the attendant who fell, he may be injured as well. I know this funeral home personally, and I just send support and prayers for everyone.

    • This is truly unfortunate, and you’re right .. as tough as it is to watch , no one wants to witness their deceased loved one topple over a going home Service, it’s obvious this was an Unintentional mishap that can upset all involved , I’m Praying for the Family, friends and the Funeral home that this doesn’t haunt them for too long 🙏🏿

  12. Mistakes happen it’s very unfortunate but this funeral home does an amazing job so please don’t look at this one mistake as it’s something that happen often. Mistakes does happen we’re human! Let the person RIP

    • Very well said! I am a funeral home owner myself and what folks have a tendency to do is dwell on one mistake and overlook the countless other times that you got it right!

  13. Nope its the funeral home fault. They know better to not move the casket around with the lid open then to turn it, it became unbalanced.

    • I agree with you 100% but as a person who lived in NC for 10 yrs and attended a few funerals there, they do be rolling a open casket around even opening the casket back up at the cemetery. All of that was very odd and nerve wrecking for someone like me to experience. We just don’t do that in Ohio.

      • Girl, please stop acting like Ohio. Don’t do it. It has been done before in Ohio. I know my man is from Ohio and my father is from Ohio so honey it has been done. I’ve seen it done so don’t act like Ohio. Don’t do anything wrong I do know they have the most crime scenes on the first 48 hours, so why don’t you talk about that?

  14. So sorry this happened. It could have been literally anything, a kink in the rug, a wheel got stuck, anything. In Alabama the body is already in the church at rest before we ever walk in. Honestly I’ve never seen a Casket Pushes In, I’ve seen them closed and Pushed out but never in while it’s open. Sending my Prayers.

  15. So sorry this happened to the family….hopefully knowing their loved one is already with JESUS will bring them peace…during this traumatic time. Sincerest Condolences 💐


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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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