Kevin Harper, professionally known as K-Lo Master Outlaw, a rapper from Illinois, live-streamed himself on Friday evening setting himself on fire. The video is circulating on social media.

An Illinois rapper seemingly committed suicide, although it has not been officially confirmed, on Facebook Live on Friday afternoon. In a Facebook video, Kevin Harper, professionally known as K-Lo Master Outlaw, went live with the caption “Goodbye.” His posts in the hours before his suspected death did not indicate that the rapper was feeling suicidal.

In the video, which lasted for two minutes and ended in flames before the camera cut, Harper is shown sitting inside his car. The camera accidentally turns around before Harper turns it back on himself. Moments later, he takes out a lighter and ignites something in the passenger seat that we cannot see.
Car goes up in flames after Kevin Harper blows himself up
After Harper ignited whatever he lit, seconds later an explosion could be seen as flames and smoke filled his vehicle. Harper did not survive.