Two parents who are not at all worthy to take a dog to the dog pound, let alone be called parents, have been charged with neglect following the March tragic death of their emaciated 4-month-old daughter, Iyari Washington, who was found with a swollen stomach.

According to police in Indiana, 25-year-old Tiera Crute and 30-year-old Daron Washington are accused of neglecting their 4-month-old daughter. Investigators said the couple provided conflicting accounts of what happened to their daughter.

Investigators said Crute claimed she had given her daughter a bottle while she was in her arms until she fell asleep. 30 minutes later, investigators said Crute told them that she had noticed her daughter was not breathing, as reported by the Indianapolis Star.
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According to family members, Iyari was born prematurely and had breathing issues. Doctors said she was not expected to live past a month. Investigators said that Washington told them his daughter fell asleep on his bed and was making fussing sounds during the night.
He claimed that he assumed she okay because she stopped making sounds after he put a pacifier in her mouth.
The next morning, investigators said Washington told them that was when he realized she was not breathing and had nopulse.
An autopsy determined that Iyari weighed 7.1 pounds at the time of her death. According to the Indianapolis Star, it was reported that Iyari gained 32 grams per day for two weeks while she was in the NICU. However, doctors believed she was only gaining 7.9 grams per day after she was discharged from the hospital.
Investigators also reported that they did not find any formula, baby bottles, or cribs in the home.
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The cause of Iyari’s death is still undetermined.
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