Saturday, February 8, 2025



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Kinston Police Officer on video slamming a 66-year-old elderly disabled woman to the ground in pouring rain over parking in a fire lane

The Kinston Police Department is facing criticism after one of its officers forcefully slammed an elderly disabled 66-year-old woman to the ground in heavy rain Thursday at the Piggly Wiggly on N. Heritage Street, resulting in bruises.


Marilyn Fields, 66, a Minister of the Gospel from Kinston, North Carolina, told The North Carolina Beat that on the evening of July 18, she drove to the Piggly Wiggly on N. Heritage St. because she needed “one item out of the store”. Fields said she parked in the fire lane in front of the store to run inside quickly because it was pouring rain and she didn’t have an umbrella or a rain coat.

Marilyn Fields, was slammed to the ground by a Kinston police officer over a minor traffic offense.
Marilyn Fields, was slammed to the ground by a Kinston police officer over a minor traffic offense.

Before Fields could grab the item she needed, she said an employee of the Piggly Wiggly came over the PA system and informed customers that if they had parked in the fire lane, they needed to move their vehicles because the Kinston police were outside issuing tickets.

“I never could get my merchandise, so I just ran out and moved my car,” Fields said.

Fields said that she thought she would just head home and get her item another time. While leaving, she noticed a police officer on the other end speaking with another driver who was parked in the fire lane. As she was approaching to exit, Fields said the officer stepped in front of her car and waved her down with what she said was a wand.

“I did stop, and he approached me and said, ‘I need your driver’s license,’ and I asked, ‘For what?’ Fields said. “He said, ‘You were parked in the fire lane.'”

The officer, according to Fields, was becoming aggressive with her while asking for her license. She questioned the officer about whether that was the standard way they treated and communicated with people. Fields mentioned that the officer spoke to her as if she were a “dog or something.”

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She said the officer demanded her license again and threatened to lock her up if she did not hand it over. Fields said was still puzzled because the officer was dealing with another driver before abruptly standing in front of her car to pull her over. She said the next thing she knows is the officer drug her out of her car, threw her up against her car and then to the ground.

“He literally threw me against my car, and at that point, I thought he was going to take me to jail. But the next thing I knew, I was on the ground,” Fields said.

According to a video provided to The North Carolina Beat, when the officer took Fields to the ground, there was already one handcuff on her wrist. This raises questions as to why the officer took the 66-year-old woman to the ground in the manner that he did, only to handcuff her other wrist.

The North Carolina Beat has identified the Kinston rookie police officer as 22-year-old Karl “Blake” Davis of LaGrange, North Carolina.

Kinston police officer Karl "Blake" Davis was caught on video slamming a 66-year-old elderly woman to the ground.
Kinston police officer Karl “Blake” Davis was caught on video slamming a 66-year-old elderly woman to the ground.

As a result of Davis’s actions, Fields sustained injuries.



Kinston police left Marilyn Fields car running with her purse inside at the Piggly Wiggly after arresting her

Kenyari Fields, the nephew of Fields, stated that officer Davis told his aunt that he secured her vehicle but he actually left her Mercedes Benz unattended at the Piggly Wiggly, with the engine still running and her purse inside, according to Jacori.

“He not only locked my aunt up but he left her 2020 Mercedes Benz with her purse in it, running, for someone to come and stealing it after lying to her claiming he secured her vehicle,” Jacori said.

Jacori said a lady who works at the Piggly Wiggly and knows their family contacted them about Field’s car still being there, which is how they found out that the officer never secured the vehicle.

Total Hip replacement pain after incident with Kinston Police

Fields said that it will be almost two years since she had a total hip replacement and had to undergo a second surgery due to issues from the first surgery. She mentioned that as a result of excessive force used against her, she has developed additional chronic pains, muscle aches, and spasms.

“I told the officer that I wore a back brace. I showed it to him and I told him that I wear it to help me get through the day,” Fields said. “His conscience told him to call the EMS because he knew he was wrong. When they got there, they trying to serve me, but I told them that I didn’t call them because who’s going to pay that bill?”

Officer Davis issued Fields a citation for parking in a fire lane and resisting a public officer charge.

‘I cry’

Fields said this incident has been devastating to her. She told us that she cries because of what happened to her and that it “really hurts.” While speaking to us about the incident and how traumatic it was for her, Fields broke down in tears on the phone.

“I try to be a respectable citizen, and you are trying to bring shame to me and my family,” an emotional Fields said. “I told my sister the other night, and I just felt like they are going to break in here and kill me. it is very traumatizing physically and mentally.”

Kinston police denied Marilyn Fields right to file a complaint against Officer Karl “Blake” Davis

On Friday, Fields said she attempted to file a complaint against Officer Davis with the Kinston Police Department. She mentioned that Captain Willis denied her that right and informed her that he was “aware” of the incident involving her. Fields stated that she still has not been able to file her complaint.

Kinston police release press release about Field’s arrest

In a press release, Kinston police said they were called to the Piggly Wiggly located on 2407 N. Herritage Street regardi


  1. Ok maybe that store needs to be boycotted because who called the police is a point to look at also. People park there all day, everyday so why call on the day it’s storming and some people need to use it for health reasons. My heart goes out to Ms.Fields in this situation. Be still God will fight your battle. If that would’ve been Blake’s mother I really think the LE would handle it differently. They know that was excessive force. But my God who sits high and looks low knows it all and he will handle it accordingly.

    • Because it is BS. She was told 18 times to show ID and refused, started talking in her phone and was trying to drive off before she could get a ticket. She was told 18 time in 1.5. Inures and refused. Tat’s where the trouble started. And she lies.

  2. It was raining and it wasn’t a fire. If anything he could have giving her a warning. It sounds like the hostility could have been avoided.

  3. She cannot file a complaint?? I never heard of this. More than likely this woman cannot afford a lawyer but she needs justice and the officer definitely needs to be fired!!!

  4. She definitely can file a complaint this situation was throwed way out Character over her parking it still didn’t give him the right to handle.her in that manner! What if that was his mom or grandma I’m sick of the law thinking they can get away with certain stuff just because they wear a badge! It’s sickening to see how she was treated I pray she eventually gets some justice from this

  5. This is my sister!She has Rights that were denied to her,She is a vessel of God.Wake up people..Ths Brutalities from Aurthrority Figures Is Going to Far. Hold your Head High My Sister..God will Prevail!.


      • Thanks so much Ms Keisha for your voice of Pray and Praise…Amen Our Savior Got This All
        in Control. Only The Annointed will understand.

  6. I don’t care what they did or what color they are if they are not straight the officer physically there was no need for him to do that shit and for police to denied her the right to file a complaint means that they are covering it up or has done it before. I would have their a*s there is no need for this

  7. She should’ve just taken the ticket. She was in the wrong and was trying to finesse and negotiate her way out of it instead of doing the adult, Christian, and ministerly thing and accept the consequences.

    • She was no longer in the fire lane.lots of folk use the fire lane. Right or wrong. All that aggressive acting was not good. Prayer for her. Then covering it up.

        • You’re a real jackass. Regardless the officer was wrong point blank. Should’ve been your self righteous ssa. See how you feel if it was you.

    • So he drug her out of her because she didn’t take a ticket that he was handling her…even you know that sounds aggressive…so please enlighten me on why it was necessary for the excessive force…

  8. This is so sad. My heart hurt reading this. All of her civil rights were violated, and she should be able to file a complaint against the officer and the police department.

  9. Piggy wiggly could of done better with the situation. Police need to be fired. Consult a lawyer at the he end


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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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