A shocking video has surfaced on social media, shared with The North Carolina Beat, depicting a man viciously attacking a woman through punches, kicks, and stomps.
The man in question has been identified on social media as ‘Meechie Meech’ from Detroit. The disturbing footage captures Meech in a blue shirt launching a series of brutal punches at a woman dressed in pink. Despite her attempts to shield herself, the woman is relentlessly struck by Meech.

Amidst the chaos, the sound of a crying baby can be heard in the background as Meech corners the woman, subjecting her to further violence.
“I’ll kill you in this b**ch, playing with my son,” Meechie Meech is heard yelling at the woman.
In a chaotic scene, a woman steps in to push Meech away from the distressed woman, but unfortunately, no one thought to dial 911. The victimized woman approaches and only to be met with a brutal punch that sends her crashing onto the couch. Meech mercilessly continues his assault, even stomping on the woman twice before being pulled back by the initial intervener.
As the disturbing incident unfolds on camera, the person recording, Jerrontez Coleman Sr., callously chuckles at the appalling display of violence.

“You want to play with me?” Meechie Meech asks the woman before stomping on her again.
Meech relentlessly stomps on the woman while she lies still, only to rise up and engage in a fight with Meech. He delivers a powerful punch to her face, causing her to crumple to the ground. The man also hit the woman with a carseat.
As the woman lay sprawled on the ground, Meech was caught delivering a series of forceful blows to her face, followed by a brutal assault for supposedly being involved with an unknown individual, while Coleman Sr. agreed and affirmed that such consequences are inevitable when sleeping with the “OPS”.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, please call The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
So is this is baby momma or something cause he kept repeating you playing with my son and you just letting my son cry like that, he has the posture of someone that float both boys, and everybody in the house aint right even the girl so called trying to stop cause all she did was grab the baby not a phone and call 911 that girl can have a concussion anything from the way he was beating on her and didnt want to stop he couldve killed this young lady and everybody would still be looking crazy like what happened when they watched it take place
Man I wish I was the friend I would head beat both of them camera man n him
I would have laid his heart to rest. And me and the opps would be saying goodbye see you in he??. And the one recording I’ll be saying goodbye to him too .
He’s a coward and the fool recording and laughing is far worse. Somebody needs to beat the color off both of them.
I don’t find nothing funny about this video this is sad and very disturbing for him to do her like this I would never be around him again nor my baby no matter what she did he has no right to do that to her smh 🤦🏾 he going to hell and I’ll be in jail
Let’s just say he wouldn’t made it to the next day hitting the right woman
This is in accurate. Meechie Meech is the recorder. The guy beating the young woman is Jerrontez Coleman Sr
That doesn’t make it any better. He is trash just like that coward beating a woman.
False. They literally yelled “meech stop” multiple times
yes they said stop but meechie meech a p***y i know this has a fact i went to high school with him and this not his first time putting his hands on a girl for you to say this is false you are weird asf cause the whole video 6 mins no one help like they should and they girl didn’t get help untill 24 hours later
This is sad I cried for her. Please young lady get away he don’t care about u or ur baby
Listen to the zesty camera man “omg you put feet on her, hahahaha”
That is so disrespectful for that man to jump on her while her kid is around and then you got his boyfriend in the back cheering him on the one that’s beating her is gay and the one is recording it is gay they go together couldn’t be me cuz my brothers will walk you down on my mama
That baby deserves a loving home. Both the men need to go UNDA the jail. And her friend ain’t shit for allowing it to happen.
The one recording sound like a 💁🏽♀️
OMG 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
I sure wished she had went to the kitchen on his a$$ 🔪 to defend herself from those fist & feet.. Good Lord!!
That’s all I kept saying when she went to that kitchen. CUT HIS A*S UP!
Him and the one filming need to go to jail it’s not funny
I sure wished she had went to the kitchen on his a*s 🔪 to defend herself from those fist & feet.. Good Lord!!
This is sickening !!
All of you need to go to jail. He could have seriously hurt her. This is ridiculous and it pisses me off.
The house dirty they dirty just one dirty a*s situation smh
Lock both of the men up. I hope they give the boy who was aggressive more time. Throwing car seat base at her, is considered a weapon. He could’ve killed her with his hands and feet too. For you to record and laugh about it means you have no respect for your own mother, sister, daughter niece or aunt. Just another lame ahh boy who doesn’t know how to walk away.
I’m not against gay people but the one is recording sound like that’s his boyfriend and you a line on that dude to jump on that woman like I wish she had a brother that will whoop his a*s and the one that’s recording it
They need to go jail off them
Lord, please lock these monsters up for LIFE! This is a disgrace before the good Lord!
The person recording is equally responsible. Both should be in jail .
Exactly, why didn’t someone call the cops, he clearly needs help and should be held accountable.