Two teenagers who went missing together Friday and are believed to be friends have been found dead in Western Orange County, North Carolina.
On Saturday, Orange County Sheriff’s Office posted on their social media page asking for the public’s help locating 14-year-old Lyric Woods. She was a ninth grader at Cedar Ridge High School in Hillsborough. She was last seen by her family Friday night in Efland, North Carolina. The sheriff’s office said Woods left home, and her parents could not reach her after 6:00 p.m. Saturday.

An 18-year-old who is said to be friends with Lyric, according to his mother, said her son also went missing Friday, and he was with Lyric.
However, it’s unclear why Orange County Sheriff’s Office did not make a post about the disappearance of 18-year-old Devin Clark. Clark is a student at Eastern Alamance High School. His mother, Tiffany Concepcion, said he had been missing since Friday morning after leaving their home in Mebane. His phone was off, and no one had heard from him.

Clark’s mother, Concepcion, posted a video on Facebook Sunday afternoon before the news about the two being found deceased surfaced on social media, stating that her son and Lyric were friends.
Rumor has it that the two were picked up by an unidentified man, but police have not confirmed the rumors.
Orange County Sheriff’s Office said two men found two bodies in the Western part of the county Sunday afteroon.
According to authorities, the men who found the bodies were riding four-wheelers before they discovered them just before 3:00 p.m.
The sheriff department released the following statement below:
Orange County deputies responded to western Orange County this afternoon after two men reported discovering a pair of bodies just off a power-line easement. The men were riding four-wheelers checking trail cameras.
Investigators are processing the area for evidence and the medical examiner is on scene.
No additional information is available at this time.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Department has confirmed that one of the bodies found was a white female and a black male, both under the age of 20.
Lyric Woods mother, Jennifer Johnson Woods, confirmed on social media that her daughter was found Sunday dead.
On Monday morning, Concepcion confirmed that her son, Devin Clark was also deceased.
This is a developing story…
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Nobody’s talking about how she was last seen with the 18 year old ADULT getting into another man’s car. A CHILD is hanging out with an adult before she died…. On top of that the man’s family didn’t even report it until much later. Lyric has a much lesser chance to know someone with a license than the 18 year old man’s. When you’re 18 almost everyone you know drives around. Idk just saying stuff isn’t adding up…
18yrs isn’t an adult, except by law. I know I wasn’t at that age and lived in the city. Didn’t need a license, just hopped subway and bus.
Tell me tou didn’t go to parties in grade 9 and there weren’t grade 11/12s there that you knew of.
With him being 18 years old, he has reached the AGE OF MAJORITY (please note – I did not say that he was an “adult”, as that is very subjective. Yes, in the eyes of the law, a person’s legal status changes when they reach the age of 18 but being an “adult” includes a certain level of maturity and the ability to make rational decisions, both of which are not present when someone turns 18). By law, when a person reaches the age of majority, the individual cannot be officially reported missing until 24 hours has passed from the time the individual was last seen/heard from. This is not the case with a minor. This all means that she would have been reported missing much sooner due to her being under 18. He was not considered missing until after that full 24 hour time period has passed. If he was last seen/heard from on Friday night, the earliest he would have been able to be considered a missing person would have been Saturday evening.
Also, regarding the topic of having access to a car or knowing someone with a vehicle, your comment is pure speculation and it is based solely on your opinion. I have children who are both around Lyric’s age and my younger child knows just about as many people with access to a vehicle as my older child. There is no evidence she was taken against her will – supposedly she went voluntarily. Therefore, let’s not create drama where there isn’t any. This case is already tragic enough looking purely at the facts themselves.
My question would be, if there are cameras near where they were found wouldn’t they be able to check the feed to see what happened to these two babies
i live right here by where they found them , and i even went to school and was friends with lyric , when i found out that it was lyric , my heart skipped a beat , it just doesn’t make any sense lyric was an amazing person and im not sure who in their right minds would do this , to anyone not just lyric
Very sad!
Yes it is , but whoever did this wont get away thats for sure
That’s the same thing I was thinking.
Carmaria, from our understanding, there is an investigation.
Police hasn’t confirmed what type of investigation it is other than a “death” investigation.