Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Texas mother says her 3-year-old son was sexually assaulted by three men at a church daycare

A Texas mother tells The North Carolina Beat that her son was sexually assaulted at a Webster church daycare, and police are not doing anything about it.

3-year-old Noah

Ciera Lowery said that two weeks before she discovered that her 3-year-old son Noah was allegedly sexually assaulted at his daycare, Little Peoples Greater Life in Webster, she observed a change in his behavior. She said her son started losing his appetite and didn’t want to eat, which was abnormal for him.

On Sunday, October 9, 2022, Lowery said Noah told her he didn’t want to go to school the following day. She said that was abnormal because her son has been attending daycare since he was one year old. Lowery said Noah, at the time, had been attending Little Peoples Greater Life for nearly a month.

I asked him why he didn’t want to go to school and he told me ‘because,’ and I kept asking him why and he kept saying ‘because,’ Lowery said.

Lowery said it was odd that her son didn’t want to go to daycare because he loved it. She said Noah started fake coughing and told her he was sick and didn’t want to go to daycare. Lowery said something wasn’t right about her son not wanting to attend daycare.

In September 2022, Lowery recalled being at home and noticed Noah go to the bathroom and leave the door open. She said she heard peeing noise, so she got up and went to the bathroom. When Lowery got to the bathroom, her son was standing up, twinkling, and she freaked out.

I asked him who taught him how to stand up and use the bathroom, and he told me his friend taught him, Lowery said. I told him he wouldn’t stand up and pee but sit on the toilet and use the bathroom.

Lowery said she contacted the teacher she had been communicating with since Noah started attending the daycare and asked who taught her son how to pee in the toilet standing up. She said the teacher never contacted her back but saw her at the daycare the following morning. Lowery said the teacher told her that Noah probably learned to pee standing up from the other children.

On Monday, October 10, Lowery said she took her son to daycare and told him she would pick him up early. She said after the peeing incident; she started picking Noah up at random times. Lowery said she began developing something suspicious about Little Peoples Greater Life daycare.

Little Peoples Greater Life Daycare and Greater Life Church in Webster, Texas.

When I dropped him off that Monday, his teacher asked me what time I was coming to pick him up but I didn’t tell her, Lowery said.

Lowery said she picked up her son later that Monday, and he was quiet. She said a random teacher with a smirk on her face said bye to Noah, but he didn’t say anything back. When they got in the car, Lowery asked why he didn’t want to say bye to his teacher, and Noah told her she was “bad.”

He kept saying no mommy, no mommy ‘she’s bad,’ Lowery said.

Lowery said when she and Noah arrived home, Noah didn’t want to play like he usually does when he gets home. She said her bestfriend, whose a police officer, was at her house, and he noticed Noah was digging. Lowery said her friend-cop asked her why her son was digging in his butt.

She said she took her son upstairs and asked him if he had to poop. Lowery said Noah told her ‘yes,’ but she said he was very soft-spoken.

He was very mellow when I was talking to him, which is very abnormal, Lowery said. I took a wet towel and wiped him, but I didn’t look or anything. I changed his clothes and put him on different underwear.

At the time, Lowery still hadn’t yet discovered that her son had allegedly been sexually assaulted.

The next day, Tuesday, October 11Lowery said she took Noah to daycare. When she picked him up, the daycare owner, Hamsa, told her Noah was starting to talk. Lowery said she was confused because Noah talked before he began daycare at Little Peoples Greater Life.

Lowery said the teacher told her that Noah told her “a friend put his hand on a bench, and Noah sat on it.” Lowery said her antennas went up, and she started suspecting something was happening with her son at the daycare but hadn’t figured out what it was.

That Tuesday night, Lowery was sleeping with her, and she noticed him jumping in his sleep. She said he was also having nightmares. Lowery said she questioned herself as to why her son was having nightmares.

I didn’t get any sleep that night, Lowery said. I was just watching my son.

On October 12, Lowery took her son to daycare at Little Peoples Greater Life and discovered he was allegedly being raped there. On that day, Lowery said she took Noah to daycare and picked him up around 4 pm. She said she noticed he squinched when she picked him up this day.

I asked him if he had a good day, Lowery said. He said ‘yeah,’ but it wasn’t an exciting ‘yeah.’ It was abnormal how he said it.

Lowery said when she put her son in the car, he adjusted himself as if he didn’t want to sit on his bottom. She said when she got in the car, she noticed Noah had turned and was on his knees with his back and bottom towards her.

I was thinking maybe he had to poop because sometimes he’ll do that when he has to poop, Lowery said.

When they arrived home, Lowery said Noah grabbed a snack and headed upstairs. She said she noticed him struggling to walk up the stairs. But at the time, Lowery said she didn’t think anything of it.

After getting upstairs, Lowery said she was on the phone but also observing Noah. She said he was eating his snack while standing up and was playing on his tablet while standing up. Everything Noah was doing, he did it standing up on this day, according to Lowery.

I was confused about why my son didn’t want to sit down, Lowery said. I asked him if he wanted to sit in the bed with me, and he said, ‘No.’

The next minute, Lowery said Noah told her he had to go poop, so she told him to use the bathroom. While in the bathroom, Lowery said Noah called and screamed for her to come to the bathroom to wipe him. As Lowery wiped Noah, she said he started squinching “really bad.”

I asked him if that hurt because I swear I didn’t wipe him hard, Lowery said. He told me it did hurt him. After I cleaned him up, he went to my master bedroom bathroom and started screaming and crying.

When Lowery gets to the master bedroom bathroom, Noah has a lot of tissue in the toilet. Lowery said she told Noah before she wiped him again; she wanted to check him. She said she picked him up, checked him, and saw that he had been raped.

I grabbed my phone and I took pictures, Lowery said. And I asked him who did this. He kept saying a man did it.

Lowery said she asked her son who take him to the bathroom. She said he was trying to tell her a name, but then he said “a man” repeatedly. Lowery said she called his teacher and asked her who takes her son to the restroom, and she said the teacher told her all three and four-year-olds to go to the bathroom alone.

During the conversation, Lowery said she told the teacher Noah had told her that a man had touched him. The teacher told Lowery that “no one touched” her son and that no men work at the daycare. Lowery said she repeated to the teacher what her son told her.

After Lowery hung up with the teacher, she called the League City Police and filed a report. Lowery said when the officers arrived, she told them what had happened and showed them the pictures she had taken. They told her she needed to take her son to the hospital asap because he appeared to have been sexually assaulted.

When Lowery arrives at the hospital with Noah, doctors check him out. She said Noah told her that the man was on his back. Lowery said her son had to undergo a series of tests.

The doctors concluded that Noah was sexually assaulted.

Noah’s Hospital Diagonis

Noah’s intake questions about sexual assault.

Lowery said she has been harassed, stalked, and retaliated against since all of this. During her investigation and to find more information about what happened to her son, Lowery said the daycare tried to cover and lie, allegedly using other teachers as a scapegoat for who knew about her son allegedly being sexually assaulted.

During Lowery’s investigation, she said she found out through another parent whose child was in the same class as Noah that two young boys who attend Greater Life Church, which owns Little Peoples Greater Life daycare, would allegedly come and pull Noah and other kids out of the class and take them to the church.

After discovering those men, Lowery said she showed the photos of the men to her son. She said Noah identified the men as the individuals who were sexually assaulting him. Lowery said the League City Police closed the case citing that Noah was constipated.

I want justice for my son and the men who sexually assaulted him arrested, Lowery said.

Lowery said the men also cut her son with scissors during this alleged assault.

The North Carolina Beat contacted Little People Greater Life Daycare and Greater Life Church for comment, and no one was immediately available.

If you have a story you think the public should know about, send it to [email protected].

Follow me, Gerald, on Instagram @iiamgj and Facebook @TheOfficialGeraldJackson

Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jacksonhttps://www.instagram.com/iiamgj/
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson and I am 28-years-old. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!


  1. This story (true or not) is sad. Think about this people, all those boys that were in the Boy Scouts of America or the Catholic Church, that we are finding about years upon years later, where these little boys (some now grown men) were SA. It is not as uncommon as you think and God has His way of exposing. One way to discredit a person, is to make them seem “crazy” or “mentally ill.” If this story is true, just remember the child that has suffered. He was the victim.

    If this story is not true (which I am not saying it is not), pray for the mother, and whatever she has going on because that is a sign of mental illness and she needs deliverance from Jesus Christ, who will cleanse you and forgive you for all your sins. If you accept Him into your heart, and believe that He was crucified and died, was buried and He rose again the third day, then you will receive the gift of salvation. His Holy Spirit will free you and no you will no longer be bound to the scrutiny of this world, but live under His rule and reign in your life. That’s what we need to be using this platform to spread Jesus Christ and how He saves.

    Now, what she can do if this is true and has been targeted and retaliated against, is go to the FBI, NAACP, and the national news casts, (if she can) to expose this organization and have someone investigate from the outside. Why she hasn’t already, Idk, but she definitely should now. The FBI don’t cost anything to investigate, nor does contacting the NAACP, and the national news casts. That’s where I would start.

  2. Three white men break into a Daycare to gang rape a group of black toddlers. The child’s own Father and the other victims parents are all in on the cover up. She’s now up 25k. I hope they sue her crazy a*s for defamation of character.

      • Basically what I’m saying is you have to be dumb as a rock to not see it for what it is. Why did she say This is all her Baby Dad’s fault. Don’t children with Dad’s also go to Daycare?! Now that’s how you make a black man pay for being a dead beat! You wouldn’t be a Dad so now your son is a sex slave to a white pedophile ring.

        • They found out that the father never talked to the police and that his interviews were fabricated. You have to be dumb as a rock to run your mouth without reviewing readily available information…

    • Your are a freaking idiot and you need to fact check before you spew nonsense!! I swear people like you should not be allowed to have the internet and definitely shouldn’t be allowed to procreate!!

  3. Absolutely disgusting, hugging onto my 3 year old and crying right now. That poor mama also dealing with rapist protecting bastards. Keep fighting for your boy mama!!! This world is corrupt. PROTECT OUR CHILDREN

  4. This newspaper isn’t even in Texas and they need to read ALL of her documents, CPS investigated and found no wrong doing. She covered up the information she didn’t want viewed. Your newspaper needs to do their due diligence.

    • Cps was paid off the cover for these perverts.. but you are too stupid to see that everyone is connected with trying to cover this up! You are a nasty and wicked person, just like the devils who buck broke this little boy!

      • Yeh right even the child’s own Father and the other so called victims are in on the cover up. Girl Bye! I hope they did your a*s and remove your children from the home bcuz this is abuse. Mental Illness is REAL!

  5. Justice for NOAH

    Kenneth Baker, who lives in Houston, TX is a rapist of little boys

    Caleb Schrader, who lives in Houston, TX is a rapist of little boys

    Andrew Schrader, who lives in League City, TX is a rapist of little boys

    Hamsa Vazirani – Director of Little People Greater Life Daycare

    Britnee or Brittnee Demasi Maiden name Garner – Officer/Detective who closed and dismissed Noah’s case instead of ruling at SA like his pediatrician did!

  6. Noah was sexually assaulted. It is proven. There is a document that proves he was sexually assaulted that exact date. The cameras in the daycare were “broken”. There is no possible way this didn’t happen. Noah’s mother has been fighting for justice this entire time and has not received one bit of support from her community despite having concrete evidence against Little Peoples Greater Life in League City, Texas. The daycare is denying all accusations but I myself have screenshots of the paperwork. Disgusting and sickening on behalf of League City Police Department. Protect your citizens.

  7. Black mama is COOCOO for CoCoPuffs and wants a ca$h bail out and is willing to put a random white family in danger, “MaMaTot” stuck up for this sick in the head individual and is now sending the entire internet to ruin innocent peoples lives. The internet, ESPECIALLY TIkTok is TOXIC!

    • I have proof of the sexual assault and so does she. What makes you think it’s okay to say something like this? Not only are you endangering a child but you are blaming the victims. Get help.

    • DO YOU READ? An independent NURSE who is not biased had an interview with Noah and based on the physical evidence and what he said they determined on his discharge papers he was sexually assaulted. Let me guess, the forensic nurse and doctor want money too? Not only do you sound racist but You are also a damn idiot. Makes sense.

    • “Black mama” lmao you are racist, sick and delusional for helping these men cover up their wicked actions against this three year old baby! Get some help and karma will be coming for you and everyone involved!

    • People jump on board now days to support anyone without doing any research. This woman is sick and the children should be removed from her custody ASAP! Mental Illness is REAL.

  8. Y’all should be ashamed. Medical records don’t LIE. That child had no reason to LIE. Thank god that mother payed attention to her baby or it would’ve probably continued! These predators and perverts are still walking free. If this every happens to your children I hope y’all keep that same negative energy on finding justice. I hope those men get what they deserve ! Death. That is a strong mother because I would’ve been in jail for killing them all by now, every single lady one of them and finished it up by burning down that awful place they call a child CARE CENTER. God bless that mother and prayers for that baby! They are going to need therapy this is traumatizing

  9. If you are reading this comment, go to tips.fbi.gov and put in the names of all the people involved in this case so that it can be taken further because Webster law enforcement is clearly corrupt and they are covering up their dirt.

  10. Seems like people believe anything people post or say online without even knowing the credentials of the person. Shame on this news paper. No facts checking whatsoever.

      • Why tf you defending sexual assault of children lmao 😂 you sound stupid posting a Tiktok page that was made by one of the creeps to defend themselves. You know them or you’re one of them and there’s proof all over. Get a grip, don’t have kids cause you’ll harm them too lol. Wow. Lol a menace to society that needs the same treatment you’re defending that those monsters gave toddlers. That’s all that is, and you know it cause it’s your page. Stop defending pedophiles, you’re clearly a danger to children as well and I hope people see that. This comment is nasty and so is that page you linked. A little bit of further looking on your pages, shows you’re into kids yourself. Maybe don’t out yourself by defending them. Police and medical proof doesn’t lie. But scum of the earth do and people like you need removed from it. Disrespectfully.

        • You don’t deserve kids, you don’t deserve any type of woman and if you have one, she’s just as nasty and low as you and your pals lol. All of the women defending their pedophile partners. I hope y’all rot in hell and have your children taken from you if you have any. Every last one. Clearly a danger to anyone that walks this earth if you can rape a 3 year old and try to defend it. And to make a Tiktok page solely to defend pedophiles is outrageous lol. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re a member of the church that was participating. Word has it the police will be figuring that out soon, but wait. She’s just lying right? 😂😂😂😂 you’ll be exposed soon, just like the others. Don’t worry. There’s a special place in hell for pedos, and it’s gonna be right here on earth with some people that don’t care if they go to jail as long as you get what’s coming. Odd that a straight up predator thinks it’s okay to openly defend that kind of act 😂😂😂😂😂😂 they’ll see ya soon bud.

      • What about the little boy that was assaulted life since do you want to make it up out color look at it look at who is accused they look like something that they would do.

    • Bubba please. I saw your tik tok and you are a member of the church or related to the men who raped this child. Stop being in denial and make your buddies turn themselves in for taking a three year old boy’s innocence. The mother showed plenty of proof and it’s being covered up and they are being paid off. She has close to 100k followers who are on her side and will help her get #JUSTICEFORNOAH

    • You literally see the medical records on here. How dare you try to discredit this mother! Do you know these people at the day care and church personally because from the way you’re responding it sure do seem that way.

    • There’s a medical document that states there was penetration to this child? You are no medical professional. I hope this case is re-investigated because dfps failed this little boy! They should know better regarding protocols for SANE exams. It’s not about money it’s about getting Justice for a 3 year old little boy. You would want Justice if this ever happened to a loved one! Little 3 years old don’t go to the restroom without supervision!!!!
      #justicefornoah #savegodschildren

  11. Justice For Noah!
    For all of you who are trying to invalidate her story, please kick rocks because she would go through all this trouble with getting gang stalked, uprooting where she lived for many years, her son having nightmares and acting out the abuse that he endured from those three men, and putting her son through all the testing and questioning from being violated. I mean who wants to go through that? I feel so bad for this Poor baby and the men who violated will get what they deserve! #justicefornoah

  12. I have been following this story when it came across my TikTok. From the very first video to the second there were already changes to her story. Since then it has changed multiple times and she even admitted to drinking before filming the video. I read many of the other reports she personally shared as well as the comments made by her ex-husband who had confirmed what the police reports had said. There has been no validity to anything she has stated that I have seen. All she keeps saying is she needs everyone else to do everything for her and she needs money…. Who doesn’t? People like this make me angry because they are “the little boy who cried wolf”. The more this junk happens the harder it is to take the next one serious. That breaks my heart because the next one could be…. but this one is not. Some of the ones who have questioned or pushed back in any way have been blocked and kept from sharing “the other side of the story”. Some of the ones who questioned it said the daycare has no men who work their. The men she accused were all accounted for at their jobs, and even school the day of the “alleged” incident. I am not slamming your story because it says…. TEXAS MOTHER…”SAYS”. Make for good gossip I suppose… but at the end of the day… that is all it appears to be.

    • The results of the doctor’s exam of Noah validates her statement. What more facts do you need? Why wouldn’t you believe a child who’s being sexually assaulted? Children don’t make this inappropriate stuff up at his age. People like you are what’s wrong with this world and why injustice like this continues.


        • Bubba and all the rest of you people saying that this is all a cash grab I hope what happened to this little boy happens to you every day for the rest of your lives, I expect for the racist wypipo to show their heads and comment that this is all a lie.

          Noah keep your head up hopefully after a while this will all be a bad dream to you and mom stay strong and try to hold it together for Noah’s sake.

    • You must be kidding. She has been consistent the entire time. Their police/law enforcement in Webster,TX is weak and they are clearly corrupt because she has evidence and documentation that shows that the boy was violated.

    • What are the inconsistencies? You did all that ranting yet failed to point out any facts to validate your suspicions. Stirring the pot any? I believe her, her child and the medical examiner’s.

    • Thank you Tracey!!! I have been saying the same thing. If people would do more than watch her videos with all of her Drama and read the facts and quit treating this like some crime show on tv.It would do everyone a favor and read some of the facts that she herself shared. Such as the Dr. who reported the tear that was present “could be from a hard bowel movement or sexual assault”. Later on she says that tools were involved? So this Doctor … couldn’t tell if it was a sexual assault or a bowel movement? Come on.

      Report 10/19/22 Xray showed CONSTIPATION… The kid was full of…. poop. (Sounds like the mother) Constipation was FINAL DIAGNOSIS and was prescribed Miralax and water. 10/26/22 Case was looked over and “NO crime had been committed. Andrew her Ex husband wanted Full custody because of mothers mental state. Her EX had hired a PI who said she did not believe this to have happened and believed the mother was crazy. “She brings men home from time to time.” She was upset when she heard someone goes to the bathroom with her child. Then she is upset when someone said they go by themselves. So either way she was not happy. It was Daycare, then it was the church, then it was a man and a teenager, then it was a man and a child, then it was 3 men. Her story is always changing. And. Incase you didn’t know. Kids have nightmares. 3 year olds see dinosaurs in their bedroom. Kids get constipated and pick their noses and scratch their behinds and eat things off the floor lol. Believe me I have 5 kiddos HAHA. So The police are lying, doctor is lying, PI is lying, church is lying, daycare is lying, ex husband is lying… but this woman and her 3 year old son are not….Got It!!! For those of you asking for these facts… they are all the things She has shared and posted herself on her videos. Not made up information to prove one side or the other…. Just reading and watching and having an opinion for myself. THANKS! If something did in fact happen to Noah or any child for that matter it breaks my heart as a mother. Justice should be served. But as far as this story goes, the facts just are not lining up and it seems like a cry for $$$ and attention. IMO

      • I would like to point out to you that constipation can be because of the SA. I’m not sure if you knew that or not. But because of the pain associated with it, the child doesn’t want to go to the bathroom because it hurts.

      • What about the SANE medical exam? The Little boy was obviously sexually penetrated. Listen to the little boys statement!!! The way a SANE exam works is they use a microscope to detail every little laceration or skin tear in the rectum. The rectum was identified with (erythema) which is caused by injury? It’s protocol to prescribe miralax or a stool softener for pain.

    • What about the SANE medical exam? The Little boy was obviously sexually penetrated. Listen to the little boys statement!!! The way a SANE exam works is they use a microscope to detail every little laceration or skin tear in the rectum. The rectum was identified with (erythema) which is caused by injury? It’s protocol to prescribe miralax or a stool softener for pain.

    • A clear cut case of Munchausen Syndrome. 3 White men broke into a Daycare to gang rape a group of black Toddlers. The child’s father and the other victims parents are all conspiring to cover it up. Do these People do not see how this is a wack job who has scammed them for 25k.

  13. Go get all your uncles and men cousins and let the baseball game begin. I pray that the women teachers allowed the devil to take your child out class without questioning them go down and I hope it happens to their grandkids. I said what I said. Kids should be free to play and not defend themselves against monsters 👿

  14. Omg! The whole time I was reading; I was like pay more attention mom! I want justice for Noah! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


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