Latasha Transrina Kebe, professionally known as Tasha K is under pressure after Cardi B’s private investigator found several trust fund accounts that Tasha lied about having in a deposition. Tasha K owes Cardi B $4 million.

Word on the Curb…Woody Wood Pecker aka Latasha Transrina Kebe, professionally known as Tasha K, has been caught lying once again – but this time her lies may have legal consequences. It seems like karma is catching up to her as we watch her hair get shorter and shorter due to all the stress she is enduring. The debt-ridden YouTuber wants us to believe that she has the inside scoop, but in reality, she owes $4 million to Grammy Award-winning artist Cardi B, whose real name is Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar.

Not only was Tasha K caught lying, but her tangled-tounge husband was also caught in a lie. In a recent court filing, Cardi B is requesting the court to compel a woman named Patricia Haynes to respond to a subpoena regarding her alleged involvement in helping Tasha K hide money owed to Cardi B in multiple trust fund accounts. And, to be honest with you, I can’t believe Tasha K thought she was going to get away with this.
Who is Patricia Haynes?

According to court documents, Patricia Haynes is the Vice President and a Financial Professional at Apogee Financial Partners, LLC, in Georgia. Cardi B alleges that Haynes is evading a subpoena for Rule 2004, which allows the rapper to examine Tasha K’s financial records related to any trust fund accounts set up by the YouTuber and her husband, Cheickna Kebe.
Attorneys for Cardi B say Haynes knew about the subpoena but refused to comply. They also alleged that she forwarded the email to third parties and continuously evaded being served, to the point that the court overseeing Tasha K’s bankruptcy will have to make a ruling.
How were Tasha K’s hidden trust funds found?

Cardi B’s attorneys stated that the undisclosed trust accounts were discovered during the process of discovery, when estate planning attorney Natalie Green Hosea turned over documents. Now, Haynes‘ evasion of service is only making things worse for Tasha and her husband, Cheickna.
“Unfortunately, neither the Debtor nor her husband Cheickna Kebe have been truthful regarding the existence of both offshore and domestic trusts created for them,” court documents state. “Specifically, Debtor’s schedules do not reveal the existence of any trusts.”
In a questionnaire provided as an exhibit in the motion to compel, Cardi B revealed that during a deposition, Tasha K and her husband lied under oath about having the following trust fund accounts:
- The Sambakessi Investment Trust is located in the Cook Islands
- Soninkes LLC (located on the Island of Nevis)
- The Bamako Trust (Kebe Children ILT) in Georgia
- Transrina Management Trust (Georgia)
- Florida Joint Revocable Living Trust
According to Cardi B’s legal team, $30,000 was transferred to one of the accounts.
Ms. Haynes was in communication with the Kebes and the estate planning attorney, Natalie Green Hosea regarding execution of certain documents – apparently trust documents prior to the bankruptcy case. However, it is unknown to what extent Ms. Haynes was involved in documentation or communication regarding the creation and/or funding of the undisclosed domestic and offshore trusts.
Hopefully, these individuals will cease attempting to avoid the inevitable.