A man from Pennsylvania set up fishing line so his wife could trip over it and fall dead, all because he wanted to collect her $300,000 insurance policy. However, the woman survived the fall, according to prosecutors.
On October 2, 2023, Laura Dankesreiter told police that she had tripped on something as she was walking down the stairs to the basement. She was going to get something from the freezer for breakfast. Laura told prosecutors that she was able to catch herself before she fell down the staircase. Prosecutors said that’s when Laura noticed fishing line attached to the walls with two metal hooks, positioned about three inches above the carpet.
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This week, the trial started with witnesses testifying that Laura’s husband, 63-year-old William Dankesreiter, was allegedly involved in another relationship with a different woman. Prosecutors alleged that William planned to kill his wife in order to collect her $300,000 life insurance policy.

Attorneys for William said they plan to refute the evidence of the alleged affair and imply that Laura orchestrated the entire situation. Court records show that William is charged with attempted criminal homicide, assault, aggravated assault, and reckless endangerment.
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At the time of the arrest, police reportedly said that it was one of the most bizarre alleged attempted murders they had ever seen.
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