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Indiana man allegedly kills his 4-year-old cousin for putting shoe on the wrong feet

Indiana authorities report that a man murdered his 4-year-old cousin due to the child’s habit of putting his shoes on the wrong feet and sitting down to use the bathroom instead of standing up.

According to court documents, Montrell Dionte Jolly, 33, of Indiana, is facing charges of murder, neglect of a dependent resulting incatastrophic injury, aggravated battery, and battery resulting in the death of a person under 14 years old.

Montrell Jolly, an Indiana man accused of killing his 4-year-old cousin
Montrell Jolly

Due to Montrell’s inability to stay out of trouble in Indiana, he was also charged with a HABITUAL offense as a result of three previous felony convictions under Indiana’s law.

According to court documents, on July 28, police responded to a call regarding a child experiencing a seizure. When paramedics arrived at the residence on North 13th Street, they discovered Ke’andre Shamar Jolly, a 4-year-old boy,unconscious.

Ke’andre Shamar Jolly

The court documents stated that Ke’andre was found “soaking wet” on the floor of the house. The court document states that the home was filled with hazy smoke and the odor of marijuana. Paramedics did not observe any visible injuries on the child, but they did note that he was unresponsive. They also observed that one pupil appeared constricted while the other appeared blown, which is indicative of a head injury.

According to court documents, investigators discovered blood on the bathroom counter and sink, as well as damage to the bathroom door and multiple bloodstains on the walls in several bedrooms.

Ke’andre was taken to a local hospital and later airlifted to Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis for treatment ofsevere injuries. Investigators determined that the young boy experienced intentional harm. Ke’andre later passed away.

According to court documents, Montrell told the police that he was disciplining his 4-year-old cousin, Ke’andre, by making him do wall sits because Ke’andre had put his shoes on the wrong feet. He instructed Ke’andre, a 4-year-old child, to sit with his back against the wall in a squat position. Ke’andre was also told to extend his arms out in front of him.

According to court documents, Montrell stated that he makes Ke’andre do wall sits every day. Montrell stated that he would bring Ke’andre into his bedroom to supervise his wall sits, as Ke’andre had been doing them incorrectly, as stated incourt documents. According to court documents, Montrell told the police that he became angry when he allowed Ke’andreto use the bathroom one day.

Court documents state that Montrell became upset when Ke’andre decided to sit on the toilet to urinate instead of standing “like a regular boy.” According to court documents, Montrell made Ke’andre stand and urinate before returning him to wall sits. Investigators reported that Montrell claimed Ke’andre informed him about starting to wear his shoes on the correct foot.

Montrell informed investigators that he allowed Ke’andre to attempt to put his shoes on the correct foot, but he was unable to do so. He claimed that he made Ke’andre do wall sits once more. He informed investigators that Ke’andre suddenly stopped crying.

He stated that he saw 4-year-old Ke’andre near the corner of the door frame, with blood coming out of his mouth. Montrell told the police that he attempted to wake Ke’andre but was unsuccessful. As a result, he placed him in a bathtub and tried to revive him by spraying cold water, but it did not work. 20 minutes later, either Montrell or Ke’andre’a mother called 911.

Jasontinae Jolly, the mother of Ke’andre stated that she was in and out of the house that day, purchasing groceries and unloading them from the car. She informed investigators that she was aware of Montrell disciplining her son for putting his shoes on the wrong feet.

Montrell Jolly is currently being held without bond in the Tippecanoe County Jail.

His next court appearance is set for December 12th.

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  1. Right but I guess she trusted him because he was close family close enough to be living in the same house but those are honestly the people you have to watch the closest.

  2. Im so sick of these child abusers “men” and “women” it is very sick inhumane and disgusting to abuse a child in any way. He was 4yrs old of course he was going to mess up get confused and forget how to do things sometimes which is why we as adults parents or not are here to teach and guide them. At 4yrs old maybe even up to 6yrs old most parents have their sons sit to use the bathroom because they are not always able to reach the toilet and to keep them from spraying but in the meantime still work with them to stand and pee. I pray they torture his wide neck a*s every single day for the rest of his life.

  3. He deserves every ounce of harm and misery that he brought to that childs life it should be returned to him a 100 times more and he will get what’s coming to him in prison.

      • Right but I guess she trusted him because he was close family close enough to be living in the same house but those are honestly the people you have to watch the closest.

  4. He were just a baby and you tortured and killed him. I hope your wide neck gets everything coming to you. Your pure evil.


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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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