Sunday, March 9, 2025



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Father of Cannon Hinnant says “I had to pick my son up off the ground as he bled from his head” in IG message

In an Instagram message obtained by The North Carolina Beat of Austin Hinnant, the father of 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant says the man who killed his son was “under the influence of something.”

The message obtained shows Austin Hinnant messaging an Instagram page named Uncle Sams Misguided Children, which is a community founded by United States Marine Veterans to bring awareness of the lamestream media, according to their website.


Austin’s son, Cannon Hinnat, was allegedly shot and killed Sunday, August 9, 2020, by 25-year-old Darius Sessoms in Wilson, North Carolina. 

Cannon Hinnant

According to Austin’s Instagram messages, Sessoms was invited to their home Saturday night for dinner. Austin said he told Sessoms that the Lord says, “love the neighbor.” 

On Sunday, it was a different day for Hinnant’s family. They learned that Sessoms had shot Cannon in the head in front of his cousin and siblings.

I had to pick my son up off the ground as he bled from his head screaming NO, NO! Austin said.

Austin said a neighbor rushed to Cannon with an EMT bag to assist the baby boy until police and paramedics arrived. 

After police and paramedics arrived and transported him to the local hospital within an hour, I was told my son was no longer with us, Austin said.

Sessoms was apprehended Monday evening in Goldsboro, North Carolina by the U.S. Marshals. He appeared court Tuesday virtually and advised the courts that he would be hiring an attorney to represent him against the first-degree murder charges.

Darius N. Sessoms

He remains in Wilson County Jail with no bond. 

Austin says he wants justice for his son.




  1. The one thing that’s sad about the situations absolutely the child but in my opinion something that could have been prevented somehow if we can control the drugs the ones that are going to be users let them use let them dose make sure they get the feeling that they’re after cuz let’s face it y’all nowadays drug dealers are sheisty and try to make the max profit so in turn f**** over the little guy which works the hardest and gets the least so he stresses the most anonym one sad morning he couldn’t take it anymore and he snapped and did something horrendous and needs punished but rehabilitated in the time if it was drugs like the father says then you can’t hate that man you have to hate the drug because you don’t know what that man had went through to chase that drug or what influence he had to entice him to use that drug I just say that’s an ending I understand what happens but don’t judge what happens wouldn’t speak this upon you in the million years but a few years go by you miss your son so much you go on a depression start drinking or guy at the bar gives you some coke you start snorting coke then this guy has this stuff they call crack so you say it’s just like Coke I’ll try it hits it one time he’s addicted then one day nothing’s going right he made all of his money bought what he that was to be crack ended up being candle wax so it got mad and couldn’t get his ultimate fix he blamed the system because it was flawed and allowed random people to deal these things called drugs that ruin lives and even worse when you delude them down they hurt even more lives deeper into them lives if they’re going to f****** get high let him get high control it though people have been getting high since the beginning of time some responsible some not so we could say the same thing about driving you guys people’s been responsible about driving since the beginning of time also people haven’t you always have that one or two biggest point is Colorado’s over there doing its thing saying guess what if you want to do drugs come over here if you get caught at most it’s going to be a misdemeanor you’ll do a year I’m not going to f****** stop you from voting I’m not going to stop you from doing this I’m not going to stop you from getting a job just cuz you one night left a f****** bar and got a bag of coke and then got pulled over like f*** I really never do this s*** I was just at the bar well you know how many times I hear that sir you’re going downtown now it’s on his record he can’t get a good job he can’t go into nursing he can’t go into anything children related so now you’ve actually ruined a life over what activity you promote called alcohol it’s just a different chemical it’s still mined altering I don’t understand the difference you can get so f***** up off alcohol where you can’t walk I don’t think I’ve ever been that f***** up that I couldn’t walk from smoking weed crack Coke meth damn maybe heroin I’m mixed about the whole drug scenario so we’ll continue this on another day

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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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