Monroe police officer harassment allegations
A North Carolina news mother is raising concerns about a Monroe police officer harassment allegations whom she alleges is harassing her son, pressuring him to provide information about individuals he does not associate with. The mother, identified as Dee Autry on Facebook, claims the officer initially pulled her son over “about a week ago” for issues related to his vehicle’s tag and insurance.
According to Autry, the situation escalated when the officer allegedly told her son, Nasir, that if he did not cooperate by providing information on “two guys”—whom Nasir claims to have no connection with—he would face arrest.
Autry shared a screenshot of a text thread between Nasir and the officer, saved in her son’s phone under the name “Pizza.” The messages, reportedly from an officer identified as “Sierk,” indicate an attempt to solicit information from Nasir.

One alleged message from the officer reads:
“Ima get with you next week. Be trying to find something.”
Two days later, another message allegedly follows:
“You got anything lined up?”
When Nasir does not respond, the officer reportedly follows up with:
“Yo… Ima have to charge you man, ain’t heard from you.”
Nasir then replies:
“My phone on 1… hold on… but I haven’t heard nun yet.”
In turn, the officer allegedly responds:
“Kiren got picked up… need you to find me a gun or something… get me a gun and we will be good.”

Autry also provided a copy of the traffic warning ticket issued to her son, which lists a detective’s name as “Detective M. Sierk.”
Autry has since deleted the post.