Police in Baltimore say four people suffered non-life-threatening injuries in a shooting at Morgan State University Tuesday night, and are asking those in the area of the campus to shelter in place.

Baltimore police and the FBI are on the campus of Morgan State University after shots were fired around 9:30 p.m.,resulting in multiple people being injured near a residential building and the institution’s fine arts department.
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Police said four were shot in the shooting. Around 11:45 p.m. the department tweeted that “this incident is no longer considered an active shooter situation,” but the shelter-in-place warning remains in effect.
According to the police, gunshots were fired on the 1700 block of Argonne Drive, near the Thurgood Marshall Apartments and the Murphy Fine Arts Center.
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The shooting comes amid the historically Black institution’s homecoming week festivities leading up to a football game Saturday. Just hours before the shooting, the fines arts center was ready for the coronation of Mister and Miss Morgan State.
The story is still developing.
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