Wednesday, March 12, 2025



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DA Womble calls Andrew Brown a ‘violent felon’ and says that no officers will be charged

The Pasquotank County, North Carolina District Attorney, Andrew Womble, says he will not charge the officers who shot and killed Andrew Brown Jr on April 21, saying that the officer’s actions are justified.


Mr. Brown’s death, while tragic, was justified, because Mr. Brown’s actions caused three deputies with the Pasquotank County Sheriff’s Office to reasonably believe it was necessary to use deadly force to protect themselves and others,” Womble said.

During a terrible press conference Tuesday to justify this murder, Womble made it seem like Brown just had the intention to try and hurt deputies, but according to the footage that Womble showed and the first time the public has seen, shows Brown trying to get away from deputies.

The video clearly shows Brown putting his car in reverse and driving across the yard before crashing into a tree, and as he drives away, bullets come at him with the fatal shot coming through his back windshield, killing him.

Womble said that deputies interacted with Brown for 44 seconds, from the moment they jumped out of the truck to the moment they pulled his body out of his crashed vehicle.

Four different angles of the bodycam video showed Andrew Brown Jr being executed by these deputies.


I find that the facts of this case clearly illustrate that the officers who used deadly force on Andrew Brown Jr. did so reasonably and only when a violent felon used a deadly weapon to place their lives in danger,” Womble said.

I don’t know what video Womble saw, but the only violent people in the footage were the deputies.

Womble said he believed the danger the deputies face was actual and apparent, although the law does not require danger to law enforcement to be actual.

When investigators searched Brown’s vehicle, they did not find a weapon.

The only weapon that Andrew Brown Jr had was the color of his skin, and that’s what officers perceived as a threat. And that’s why they killed him because he was a black man they automatically assumed would hurt them.

According to Womble, the official autopsy on Brown has not been finalized, but he did say that preliminary findings showed Brown had suffered two gunshot wounds, one to the right shoulder and one to the back of the head.

The family had an independent autopsy conducted, which showed Brown was shot four times in the right arm, then once in the head.

Everything that the world saw on the bodycam footage was exactly what family attorneys for Brown’s family had been saying since they were able to view the 20-second snippet, that this was an execution. And it was.

During questioning, Womble was grilled by the media about some of his inconsistencies during his explaining of events that occurred on April 21.

One reporter asked Womble if all of the facts were out, citing that Womble stated that he didn’t know if Brown was accelerating or decelerating. The reporter says that still images ‘tell a different story’ before the first shot at Brown was fired. “Once you put the video in motion, it looks like Brown was turned away from the officer, the reporter said. Are you sure all of the facts are in the reporter asks?”

Womble said he had all of the facts he needed to make his decision.


Womble was blatantly disrespectful, saying that the officers first shot was justified and the last shot was too


There has been no word on whether or not the attorneys for the family will hold a press conference in response to Womble’s presser from this morning.



Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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