A Charlotte resident, identified as Darryl Lamar Moffett, was recently apprehended and formally charged after a video surfaced showing him holding a woman at gunpoint while interrogating her about an alleged setup.

According to court documents obtained by The North Carolina Beat, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police arrested the 38-year-old on Monday, charging him with second-degree kidnapping, assault on a female, assault by pointing a gun, possession of firearm by felon and communicating threats in connection to an incident that occurred on May 18, 2024.
The victim, identified as Nyla Cochran, was listed in the police report.

A video posted three days prior to the arrest depicted Moffett, now confirmed as the individual in question, allegedly holding Cochran at gunpoint. The significance of the date of the offense lies in the fact that the video posted on May 15 could support Moffett’s recent charges. It is worth noting that the incident report may be connected to the hostage situation reported three days after the emergence of the videos at the bottom of this article.
According to a warrant affidavit report, on May 18, officers were dispatched to 1108 Oaklawn Avenue in reference to Moffett pointing a pistol at Cochran’s head when she opened the door. The report says “he [Moffett] ordered her to come with him while pointing a pistol at her head. Told her he’d kill her.”
The affidavit went on to say that the victim, Cochran, believed Moffett would shoot her or otherwise harm her. The affidavit further stated that the two walked to another street, where Moffett allegedly hit Cochran in her face and head several times.
“He put 2 hands around her neck causing her to have trouble breathing. He threatened to kill her again,” the report said.
Cochran was listed as Moffett’s girlfriend in the affidavit to obtain a warrant for Moffett’s arrest. It also stated that they did not live together or had ever lived together. Cochran was sober at the time of the incident, according to the affidavit.
In the video we posted on May 15, revealed that Cochran was tasked with setting up Moffett, but in turn, he allegedly held her hostage at gunpoint. He demanded that she disclose all the details about the setup.
Cochran also spoke about some people who were killed, with one man being named as Polo. She alleged that he was a fake Blood gang member and that he was poisoned. Cochran also named a couple of people that she played a role in poisoning and drugging individuals.
But for Moffett, she told him that drinks were supposed to have been purchased for him and that someone was going to either put fentanyl or antifreeze in his drink to poison and kill him.
‘Talk B***h’
In the video, Moffett told Cochran to start telling everything she knew as he filmed it. As she started talking about how she met Moffett, she said she was eventually kicked out of a home that she was staying at with two other girls.
She was kicked out because she refused to comply with the demands of two other girls, according to her.
“Which was what?” the man asked.
Cochran tells Moffett that he was supposed to be drugged, but she wasn’t the one who was supposed to administer the drugs. She mentioned other individuals who were tasked with carrying out the drugging. Cochran said that someone was supposed to go to the store and get drinks, and that another person was planning to put either fentanyl or antifreeze in his drink.
“They was trying to kill you, and I told Mesha and Liz that I didn’t want to do anything to you,” the woman said.
Moffett then asks Cochran who else they have tried to poison, to which she starts naming a lot of people. She then mentioned another person who was killed unintentionally. As shecontinued speaking, she mentioned Polo and alleged that a hit was ordered against him. However, she claims she had no involvement in his death.
“You know the police with this evidence right here, they’ll take you away from your baby,” the man tells the woman. “That’s accessory after the fact, you knew…whether you was there or not, you knew.”
Cochran then says Polo was not shot but rather drugged, but she didn’t know what substance was used. Later, she reveals that she was sent to the man to act as his fake girlfriend, in order to obtain his government name and frame him for fraud.
I won’t say more, but you all should watch below because it’s a lot more:
Part 1:
Part 2:
WOWWWWW!!! That shit crazy. I feel sorry an sad for those families. Plus she got kids smdh. Prayers for those families. Glad I moved outta Charlotte. I’m truly lost for words rt now.
I tried to help Nyalah. She’s young and dumb. She wasn’t raised by her mother. She’s all mixed up and stays in mess. I’ve prayed for her and talked to her. Didn’t do any good. I’m 68 yrs old and all I can do is pray for her. You reap what you sow.
Pollo is my cousin and this batch got it coming. Either she go to jail or someone is going to off her. She just confess to murdering several people. And I know their families are looking at this.!!!!
I went to jail behind her last year, had everybody mad because of what I did to her and she had the nerve to put a pfa on me when she threatened to kill everyone in my home, including my 2 year old at the time. I literally got put out of my home over this girl. Thank God my case got dismissed but I told them she needs mental help. These cops didn’t want to do anything due to her being a minor, now look at the harm shes done. Sorry to here about Pollo, I just learned today that he passed. Now hearing herconfess has my mind blown
She chose the life she lives. Now she gotta suffer the consequences. Whether it’s law or the universe. You don’t participate or affiliate yourself with bums smh
That’s crazy I know Polo !! He really be on that type of time !!! Ole dude better watch out
They said Polo is deceased.
He is
Oh wow
This is crazy as hell and either he is going to turn this over to the police or have her offed but I hope he turns it over to the police so the families of their other victims can get justice and these females can get locked up.
Bruh I feel like she tellin the truth but at the same time all them folks got killed over some bs my father was robbed and killed over 200$ shit like this irks me because they doin it for nothing like what!!!???🤦🏾♀️
I wish we knew who the man behind the camera was
Ngl I truthfully believe her yea what she got into was wrong ye she had nothing to do wit it and everything she said made sense to me these old players don’t know how to manipulate these young minds like young minds know how too.
How? She knew the demo. And details. She wheel the ppl in & kimbo n dem do the rest. She lying like fuk
My son was setup by a female. The anger I constantly feel is boiling over watching this
Praying for you 🙏🏾
I feel why he did that. She not going to the police but they my come to her. Street justice is better
I meant I seen that thang several times**
All of Charlotte has, she’s also been with her own father.
Yoooo the fact that I know Polo…. This shit crazy and im sending it to his people!!!!
This shit is crazy. Prayers to Polo’s family. But now they will know what happened to them
Exactly that’s my Unkle polo so it’s very heartbreaking
well she gonna get off free, and he’s for sure gone by video and worse part it’s on tape
They both going to jail. Even though I feel him. If he’s holding a gun on her and she’s not free to leave if she wants to that’s kidnapping.
Can barely hear the first part
I thought the same until I realized there was a volume button on the video too. Turn that up. It worked for me.
He must got a gun on her cause she keep holding her hands up
He definitely had a gun on her saw it at the end of the video
You can see the gunnin the video
Yeah it seen that thang several times
Yeah it seen that thang several times