Thursday, April 25, 2024

Three Texas Christian University students will spend only five days in jail after shoving a 19-year-old off the boat, killing him


This is a HOT A*S MESS! The Justice system is yet again failing.

Three Texas Christian University students will spend only five days in jail after one of them kissed a 19-year-old man before shoving him off their boat onto a propeller that killed him.

In October 2019, just months after starting college, Delaney Brennan and her boyfriend, 19-year-old Jack Elliot, boarded a boat with ten other people.

Delaney and Jack

Delaney and Jack were sitting at the front of the boat as they cruised through Lake Travis.

Carson Neel, Elle Weber, and others on the boat had been drinking. Weber was the boat driver and saw when Delaney gave Jack a ‘playful little shove’ when he fell into the water.

Carson Neel
Elle Weber

According to investigators, Neel jumped in after Jack but could not find him after searching for five minutes. Weber then called 911 but gave her name as ‘Elle Macpherson.’

Jack Elliot

Investigators say as the group was heading back to the dock, they threw alcohol overboard. One person on the boat, named Anthony Salazar, was the only person not drinking. The group made him take the wheel of the boat as they neared the dock.

Jack’s parents in California received a phone call from Neel, who told them: “we don’t know how Jack fell off the boat. We don’t know if Jack stood up to change his position and he lost his balance or if he was fixing his hair, we don’t know what he was doing. Those are the most honest answers we can give you right now.”

Jack’s parents received another phone call from the father of one of the teenagers in the room at the time, and said that their son did not fall off a boat. He was pushed.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department concluded in their report that Delaney pushed Jack off the boat.

Last Thursday, an Austin, Texas judge sentenced Delaney, Elle Weber, and Carson Neel to five days in jail.

If you have a story you think the public should know about, send it to [email protected]

Follow me, Gerald, on Instagram @iiamgj and Facebook @TheOfficialGeraldJackson



Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson and I am 28-years-old. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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