Monday, March 10, 2025



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N.C. woman physically abuse pregnant dog on camera, calls the dog shameful derogatory names

A North Carolina dog breeder is threatening to file lawsuits against people sharing a video of her abusing a pregnant German Shephard dog.

The woman’s name is Heather Smith of Jacksonville, North Carolina. She is the disgraced owner of Smiths Koniglich German Shepherds located on Linda Dr. Smith claims she has been breeding dogs for 10+ years and that she grew up breeding AKC Golden Retrievers.

Heather Smith

Wednesday, the self-proclaimed dog breeder was caught abusing a pregnant German Shephard named Raven.

A video posted on social media shows Smith trying to get Raven to listen to her commands, but Raven doesn’t pay Smith any mind. After Smith couldn’t get Raven to listen, she then grabs Raven’s fur, forcing her to the ground as Raven scream because of the pain Smith is inflicting on her.

Smith then takes Raven’s water from her as a punishment, saying:

Congratulations, you lost your f*****g water.

After Smith takes the dog’s water, she then crawls in the dog kennel to give Raven a shot. It’s unclear what kind of shot Smith is administering. Maybe it had something to do with her pregnancy, or is it another way Smith punishes dogs that don’t listen to her?

Smith told Raven to lay down and stop being stupid. The three-minute video is sad, disturbing, and calls for the arrest of Smith for animal cruelty. Smith can also be seen slapping Raven in the head and pulling her legs. Raven can be heard screaming as Smith abuses her.

The woman who posted the video on social media named Kali Anne Stannard said she and her husband were purchasing a pure breed German Shepherd from Smith and would be able to watch Raven give birth through a live stream.

She had set it up for everyone who was purchasing a puppy to watch the live birth, Stannard said. And she sent everyone the login information for everyone to watch periodically.

Stannard said she logged in Wednesday to see if Raven had any more puppies, and she saw Smith’s mistreating her.

Raven gave birth to two puppies that were dead and was still pregnant with more, all while Smith was abusing her.


Dog advocates are calling for Smith’s arrest.

Again, animals such as dogs depend on us to take care of them. This is beyond disgusting! Shame on you, Heatherrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Smith has since gotten scared, went into hiding, and deactivated her business Facebook page and website. But what do you expect? That’s what they all do when they get BUSTED.


  1. This is the most disgusting thing that I’ve ever seen a professional person do to a animal let alone that this animal was giving birth. I wonder how she would like to be done that way while giving birth to a child .I also seen a child in the background watching this abuse the whole time so she’s sitting a really good example for the child to think that this is ok to treat animals in this matter. This is TOTALLY unexectiable and is TOTALLY animal abuse and she should be punished to the highest extent possible. If she’s been breeding animals for 10 years then God BLESS each and everyone of those poor babies that were under her care .There is no excuse possible for treating any animal this way and she SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO GET BY with this .Punishment needs to be done to this lady .This dog didn’t ask to be treated this way nor did the animal ask to be used for a breeding machine. This is literally and TOTALLY unacceptable for any and I do mean any human being to be let go unpunished for this or any other abuse to any ANIMAL .

  2. Why is this woman not in jail??? She should have to serve time and never be allowed to have another pet!!! There is a special place in Hell for people like her!!


    I suggest you turn yourself in before an animal lover who knows what you did finds you, first!!

  4. shut this animal abusing pos down now. charge her with cruelty, fine her heavily and throw her in jail for 10 years. re-home her kid

    • That’s unbelievable, poor baby, she should be tied down, while we all have a sharp razor, and just cut her up slowly, take her organs out

  5. Very upsetting to watch this video. Hope she gets arrested. Even a misdemeanor would make me happy & satisfied that the cops did their job!

    • Damn. Could she have at least done 7 or 8 paragraphs? Always placing the blame on others. That is what animal and child abuser do! Arrest this B***h!

    • I am going to be sick. I could not even watch that entire video. THAT WOMAN IS EVIL. She does not care about that dog. All she’s seeing is ? Any animal abuse is wrong but this dig is pregnant. Two of her puppies are dead (WHY?), and now you take her water away.
      This video needs to be shared and shared and shared. The sheriff needs to arrest her. Anyone who subscribed to her puppy-cam because they wanted to purchase a puppy needs to contact Animal Welfare. If the sheriff won’t charge her she needs to at the least lose her business. All her dogs need to be confiscated immediately!

  6. Arrest that b***h, No use in the way she treated her and probably why the puppies were being born stillborn, Not a good person! ?

  7. She should be arrested for animal abuse. What a disgrace of a human being. I have some ideas for her, but I have a feeling the author will not allow my thoughts to be written. I will keep them in my mind. She needs to be ARRESTED. GET INVOLVED & work with the animal control dept. This is the police dept that needs to act.

  8. I want to see a felony charge, news story w/her in handcuffs, all animals taken and business shut down! It takes an evil person to abuse an animal period. To abuse a dog in labor is even worse! I highly doubt this is the first time Raven was abused and her other money makers. The lack of animal welfare laws excuse can’t hold up with this video evidence!

    • I agree, Ms. Allred. I am so happy that Mr. Jackson did this article. I have another interesting case that I need to present to Mr. Jackson. I wrote to the author and hope to hear from him. Here is my facebook page, if you are reading this, Author, Gerald Jackson, send me a PM. The animal abuser is also in the State on North Carolina. Please reach out to me.

  9. Horrific woman! And I see a child
    in the background. That’s child abuse on top of animal abuse. No child should have to witness such cruelty, and no animal should endure that.

  10. *****READ to the bottom****Gerald, thank you for getting this story out. As a private investigator that solely focuses on animal abuse cases throughout our Country, this video is hard to watch.. How can a human being treat a Mama dog that is in labor like Heather Smith did? If she does not get stripped of her rights BREEDING then I question the State of North Carolina and their animal welfare laws. ****Gerald, I have another case in North Carolina where I think the local officials are turning a blind eye to ANIMAL AB– USE. Contact me at: You, my friend need to get this story out as well. Thank you. Darcy Butkus~~~ Private Investigator License # PDE051724 Detective Agency # PDC002887. State of Georgia.

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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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