Wednesday, March 12, 2025



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High Point NC ‘Serial Peeper’ banned from Walgreens after caught in bushes masturbating

Wordddddd On The Curb…some High Point, North Carolina crackhead mother can’t seem to control her 19-year-old son’s hormones.

It hasn’t even been a month since The North Carolina Beat covered 19-year-old Noree Staton, the ‘Serial Peeper’ who was arrested for being a “Peeping Tom,” and banned from several businesses throughout High Point.

Noree L. Staton

On May 24, police in High Point arrested Staton after he was secretly peeping at a woman at Food Lion while she was using the bathroom. Earlier that day, police said Staton was at Hartley Drive Family YMCA inside the women’s bathroom and harassing children.

Staton was banned from Target in April after management said he was “catcalling” women. On May 1, he was arrested because he groped a woman from behind at Harris Teeter on Eastchester Drive. On May 9, Staton was banned from Waffle House on Westchester Drive after he was “acting strange” near the bathrooms.

On Sunday night, a member of The Beat Mob Street Committee said customers came inside the Walgreens located on North Main Street and said a man was in the bushes jacking off. Management said they walked outside and immediately identified the man as Noree Staton, who they had previously seen on The North Carolina Beat. Management said they banned Staton from the Walgreens and called the police, but he fled before they arrived.

Temp Staton, a known crackhead through High Point, defended her son after our story went viral, claiming her son had some laced weed and she had to get her son help.

Temp Staton

She allegedly admitted her son to the nut house and he probably was peeping at the residents there too…but he is out of the nut house and is back at it with his sexual predatory behavior.

If you have a story you think the public should know about, send it to
Follow me, Gerald, on Instagram @iiamgj and Facebook @TheOfficialGeraldJackson



  1. This young man clearly needs mental help that being arrested will not provide. I just commented to my son today about how the closing of mental hospitals like Dorothea Dix and Cherry Hill has caused so many mentally ill to get arrested repeatedly tying up LE resources. If this young man’s mother can’t get him the help that he needs then Social Services needs to step in because not only is he a danger to others, he’s a danger to himself. This is really a sad situation. Looking at his picture you can clearly see that something is wrong. I hope he gets the help that he needs. Banning him from stores won’t help because he’s probably incapable of complying. People at the businesses deserve to be able to visit places and feel safe. Maybe the managers can appeal for help on his behalf.


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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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