An elderly couple from Snellville, Georgia, has been arrested. The couple allegedly embezzled over $1 million from a deceased relative’s pension fund, according to authorities.
Mary Ann Arceneaux, 87, and Ernest Arceneaux, 89, are facing charges of identity theft fraud and theft by deception. According to arrest warrants issued on December 10, 2024, the fraudulent scheme reportedly began in June 2010. After the death of Mary Ann Arceneaux’s mother, a retired California teacher.
Instead of Mary reporting her mother’s passing, authorities alleged that the couple continued collecting pension payments from the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS).

To maintain the deception, investigators claim that starting in May 2018, Mary Ann submitted forged “proof-of-life” documents annually, falsifying her late mother’s signature. These actions allegedly allowed the Arceneauxs to illicitly collect an amount of $1,116,862.69 over the years.
The alleged fraud came to light during a routine verification process conducted by CalSTRS. Officials discovered a death certificate confirming the mother’s passing in June 2010, contradicting ongoing pension disbursements.
A deeper investigation uncovered that the Arceneauxs controlled the bank accounts receiving the payments, ultimately leading to their arrest.
Following their arrest, both, posted bail and are currently awaiting trial.
I’m having difficulty with the accuracy of the amount of stolen money. Even if the got it for 15 years, that it 66,000 per year. I don’t think any teachers pension is that much! Still doesn’t make what they did right but….
Everybody capping for these old folks, but they stole $1M over the last 15 years. let them spend their last few years in jail, hopefully like Trump. Stealing is stealing, I don’t care how old you are. You were senior citizens when you started stealing the money. I’d check the body and make sure something didn’t happen to her.
Chileeeeeee please lol leave them people alone, they won’t last long anyway. Go make arrests at the white house thats where the real thieving crooks are.
Now what good would it be to put these elderly people in jail. They system need to just take this loss and move on smh
Chileeeeeee please lol leave them people alone, they won’t last long anyway. Go arrest Trump, Elon and their buddies. Those are the real thieving crooks.
Well, What are they going to do with these one foot in the grave elderly ppl? They probably only own a house or not. They can seize that. So they going to lock them up at this age? It was the responsibility of the teachers pension funding company to do their due diligence years ago. Considering the mother was probably atleast 17 to 20 years older than these 2. There’s no telling how much money the higher ups stole themselves. These 2 just evened the playing field. Dept of Education is under investigation for major theft of monies that got sent to other countries. I don’t see anyone being charged for those billions. This couple just kept some monies in the USA. I wouldn’t normally feel that way but with the govt theft being exposed. I’m glad some poor person got theirs. Govt just mad one of their executives didn’t get it 1st. I would bet many dead ppls money is going into one of their pockets. I said what I said……