Sunday, September 22, 2024

UNC student found dead in South Africa after reportedly going for a hike


On Sunday, the heart-wrenching news broke from the father of Brook Cheuvront, a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who shared on social media that his daughter had tragically been found dead in South Africa following a hiking adventure.

Reports from South African news sources indicate that Brook went missing around noon on Saturday, South African Standard Time, during her hike to the Devils Peak at Table Mountain National Park, located near Cape Town.

By 2 p.m. that same day, authorities confirmed the discovery of her body. The South African Police Service has since launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Brook‘s untimely death.

North Carolina mother and her four children are missing after relocating to Florida with her husband in July

Brook was collaborating with a human rights organization based in South Africa.

UNC student Brook Cheuvront found dead in South Africa

Steve Cheuvront, Brook’s father, requested that everyone remove their Facebook posts concerning her whereabouts, as the devastating news of her passing had now come to light.




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Gerald Jackson
Gerald Jackson
Hi, my name is Gerald Jackson and I am 28-years-old. I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama. I currently reside in North Carolina. I am a Journalist, Influencer, Content Creator, and a Man of Faith! I don't shy away from the truth, always speak my mind, and before I take anything back, I'll add more to it. Follow me on my social media below to keep up with my personal life. LOL!

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