Wednesday, a Richlands, N.C. family found a Nazi sign cut into the grass of their front yard.
Not sure why someone decided that mowing a sign of hate on my family’s property is just pure evil. This land was built with love, the people who owned this home (my Nana and Papa) were some of the most loving people in the world. Everyone who knew them loved them, Tapresha Cummings said in the Facebook post of the Nazi sign.
Sheriff Hans Miller of the Onslow County Sheriff’s Department said his department would find out who is behind the crime.
Obviously this is a criminal offense and we want the family to know we are on it, Miller told local reporters. It is unacceptable and this type of hate will not be tolerated.
It’s pretty shocking that the Sheriff Miller would release a strong statement about this incident when he is a racist himself…
The Onslow County NAACP, who also is investigating the incident, in a Facebook post, said they an eyewitness saw the person responsible driving a lawnmower from the area where the Nazi sign was placed back to a nearby house.