A tragic incident in Winston-Salem has claimed the life of a young girl who, along with two other children, fell into a frozen pond on Thursday, January 16. The victim, identified by sources as 7-year-old Na’Yomi Nadine, was set to celebrate her 8th birthday in April.
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First responders were dispatched to the 4000 block of Duck Pond Court at 5:02 p.m. after reports of three children in the icy water. Emergency crews performed life-saving measures on Na’Yomi at the scene before transporting her to a local hospital. Despite their efforts, she succumbed to her injuries on Sunday, Jan. 19.
The condition of the other two children remains unknown.
The Winston-Salem Fire Department expressed their condolences to the family in a statement, emphasizing the dangers of frozen bodies of water.
“Our deepest condolences go out to the family during this incredibly difficult time,” the department said. “We strongly urge residents to stay off frozen ponds, lakes, and streams. Ice in our area is unpredictable and cannot safely support the weight of people or pets. What may appear to be solid ice can quickly give way, resulting in life-threatening injuries.”
So sad🥲
Abundance of prayers for the family!! Our hearts hurt with yours. May God’s arms wrap you all and hold you tight!!!! 🙏 ❤️
I’m so sorry for the loss of this beautiful girl sending prayers for your sorrow
Condolences to the family and friends!
My sincere condolences 💐 to your family.
So sorry for your loss. Praying for healing and strength for you.
So sorry for your loss. Praying for healing and strength for
My thoughts and prayers are with this family. This is so sad.
My condolences to the family this is so heartbreaking. I’m just so sorry you loss your child . May God comfort you and your entire family
Sending deepest sympathy condolences to the family